My initial post was not specific, as intended. It was general. I find it interesting that the majority of posters have commented on the effect this pressure has on the R&F.
My opinion [and $1 will buy you a cup of coffee] is that the pressure I refer to - pickets, letters to the R&F, in particular, is felt and reacted to by 'middle management' more than the R&F. Let me explain;
This week I posted a nice Xmas card on the door of the KH here, the contents are posted at;
I have no illusion that this card will help any individual to see the 'truth about the truth'. But it may in the long run contribute, not by impacting the thinking of the person who reads it - though that is possible and desirable if it happens.
No - my opinion is that the middle managers, either seeing the card, or hearing of it, will react to it. The elders and CO's strongly believe they are missioned to 'shepherd the flock and protect it' from people like me or other apostates. They will on the local level, react with local needs parts, clamp down on service, meeting attendance, etc. In short, the will intrude even further into the business of members of the congo. In so doing - some, or someone[s], will get toes trampled, feelings hurt, or angry over said intrusions. Doubters so affected may then begin to doubt more that the elder's have no real interest in them, but only wish to control them. SUch may lead to them finally allowing themselves freedom enough to look at 'apostate' information, here or somewhere. Thus leading, perhaps in some cases, years from now, to exit from the borg.
So in an effort to 'protect' the flock - most elders will only do what most elders know - that is - 'control the flock'. This leads to eventual discouragement over never doing enough to please them, or anger over intrusive actions taken, or in the rare case to someone asking 'just what the hell don't they want us to know? What are they afraid of?'
In turn - as some more leave - the Upper management does what they know to do - apply even more pressure, shepherd even harder, demand even more.
The converse reaction would be to ease up - I don't expect that - and if they did it would also aid some to begin boldly to look into matters that have troubled them for some time, perhaps here on the internet. A face on attack on the infantry often opens up the flanks. When the generals don't know how to run the battle, they often loose troops out the rear as they desert rather than face pressure from both sides.