Why is this tract such a big deal to most on this forum?
It's not. The only people it's a big deal to are the jws who distributed it. Through rumour and inuendo, no doubt started by the governing body or some other high - up at hq, a lot of dubs were led to expect spectacular results from this tract, maybe persecution or even banning in some parts of the world. More than a few of them thought its' distribution might spark the great tribulation.
The reality is that hardly anyone gave it a second thought, if they bothered to read it all. I haven't heard of any other religious leaders being outraged by its' contents, and no one anywhere seems to persecuting the jws because of it
Because the gb, remembering the lessons of 1975, weren't stupid enough to print anything suggesting the rumours about the kind of reaction this tract might produce, they can walk away from this non - event with their reputation intact, and yet again blame the rank and file for building up their own false expectations again.