Another visit Another doctor

by purplesofa 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • OnTheWayOut

    Saying "exit counselling" I knew what you meant, I have
    been reading books about cults. If you are happy with
    your therapist, that's great. I would need to find one that
    doesn't tell me anything about God.

    She said there is another good and loving god .....not that cruel one.

    But to each his own. Take care Purps.

  • tall penguin
    tall penguin

    I was actually speaking to a cult info centre in Montreal this week. He said the group he gets the most calls about are the jw's. Thought that was interesting.

    I too have started working with an exit counsellor. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to speak to a therapist who knows the jw doctrine, protocol and jargon, as well how to help those who've been raised a jw enter the real world. I can't wait for our next session.

    Glad you're getting some assistance too Purps.

    tall penguin

  • anewme

    While I was a witness I was on Kaiser so I consulted with a therapist from there.
    She never let on she knew anything about the witnesses.
    She simply observed that my self image and personal opinions were very much enmeshed and confused with that of the Watchtower. She kept asking me "But how do YOU feel about that?" "What is YOUR opinion?"
    It became obvious to all that I had no formed opinions about much of anything. That my entire outlook and view was based on what others felt was valid and true.

    (As we know, in the org any unauthorized thinking is discouraged and viewed as maverick, rebellious and apostasy.)

    She was very calm and secular in her approach to marriage and leaving the cult.

    "There must be 50 ways to leave your lover" was her advice.

    "Just get out the back Jack"
    "Make a new plan Stan"
    "You dont need to be coy Roy"
    "Just listen to me!"

    "Get on the bus Gus"
    "You dont need to discuss much"
    "Just drop off the key Lee"
    "And get yourself free!"

    And that is just what I did.

  • codeblue

    When living in my previous area, I consulted my gyn after surgery.

    I was having some anxiety problems and mentioned leaving a cult. She said: "which one"?

    I told her JW's. She was very supportive and shared how they were all raised Catholic, that her sister became involved and became one and she feared for her niece's well being. She knew quite a bit about the JW religion, doctrine and beliefs.

    She showed a lot of empathy for my new stand in my life.


  • purplesofa


    I would need to find one that
    doesn't tell me anything about God.

    I agree, the thought came in my mind instantly. It's a thought that I may not be able to continue to use her.


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