I will try to do this without sounding bitter.
JW's are:
A Bible-using cult that is known for it's door-to-door recruiting tactics-
they claim to be the only true religion, based on their usage of the name,
JEHOVAH, for God. While they are viewed as Christian, they relegate Jesus
to a third position of importance behind Jehovah and behind works that prove
members' faithfulness to Jehovah, and they do not celibrate Christmas. They
follow the teachings written by their spiritual leaders that come out in the
Watchtower magazine and other publications by their corporation. Those
spiritual leaders, known as the Governing Body, claim some vague
communication with heaven, somehow, to get their instructions. This Governing
Body is supposed to make up a very small portion of 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses
that will rule the earth from heaven while all other faithful JW's live forever on the
JW's are known also for their medical refusal of blood transfusions, refusal of
military service or flag salutes in any country, their attendence at meetings every
week in buildings called Kingdom Halls, and claiming that the end of the
world is imminent- such claim happening again and again since before 1914, the
year they (now) say that Jesus assumed his invisible presence upon the earth to
remove the wicked people and allow his Jehovah's Witnesses to start cleaning up
for their everlasting lives.