Define Jehovah`s Witness`s

by OUTLAW 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    I will try to do this without sounding bitter.

    JW's are:
    A Bible-using cult that is known for it's door-to-door recruiting tactics-
    they claim to be the only true religion, based on their usage of the name,
    JEHOVAH, for God. While they are viewed as Christian, they relegate Jesus
    to a third position of importance behind Jehovah and behind works that prove
    members' faithfulness to Jehovah, and they do not celibrate Christmas. They
    follow the teachings written by their spiritual leaders that come out in the
    Watchtower magazine and other publications by their corporation. Those
    spiritual leaders, known as the Governing Body, claim some vague
    communication with heaven, somehow, to get their instructions. This Governing
    Body is supposed to make up a very small portion of 144,000 Jehovah's Witnesses
    that will rule the earth from heaven while all other faithful JW's live forever on the

    JW's are known also for their medical refusal of blood transfusions, refusal of
    military service or flag salutes in any country, their attendence at meetings every
    week in buildings called Kingdom Halls, and claiming that the end of the
    world is imminent- such claim happening again and again since before 1914, the
    year they (now) say that Jesus assumed his invisible presence upon the earth to
    remove the wicked people and allow his Jehovah's Witnesses to start cleaning up
    for their everlasting lives.

  • OnTheWayOut

    garybuss had the better answer:

    the unpaid literature distributors of the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation
  • heathen
    the unpaid literature distributors of the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation

    He maybe should've said the brainwahsed unpaid literature distributors ..........

  • OnTheWayOut

    That's a great answer:

    The brainwashed unpaid literature distributors of the Watch Tower Publishing Corporation.

    If that offends someone, just say "Not independent thinking" unpaid...

  • restrangled



    as defined by Wikpedia

    A Movement or attitude stressing strict and literal adherence to a set of basic principles. A cohesive group of people (often a relatively small and recently founded religious movement) devoted to beliefs or practices that the surrounding culture or society considers to be far outside the mainstream. Its separate status may come about either due to its novel belief system, because of its idiosyncratic practices or because it opposes the interests of the mainstream culture.


  • Dansk

    God-fearing, Watchtower-fearing, elder-fearing, emotionally blackmailed gullibleites who have lost all sense of of individualism through an insidious cult.

    Ian- Proof that one CAN break free!!

  • free2beme

    I would say they are a Christian religious sect that split from the Adventist church in the 1870's and are strong believers in a literal interpretation of the Bible. They are mainly known for their door to door preaching work, as well as key religious rights stands on blood, military service and religious freedoms. They are strict, in that they will excommunicate members who do not follow their standards and put a huge amount of importance on the idea that these are the last days spoken of in the Bible. They change their beliefs often, and their members expect and accept this or they are excommunicated. Over all, they are family oriented, as long as family members accept the church thinking. They are loving to people, that are in the church or accept the church teaching. They are supportive, as long as it is a acceptable practice of the church. They also hate the world CHURCH and would read the references to it, in this paragraph, as finger nails down a chalk board.


    Excellent replys..It`s good to have thoughts and information crystalised for future use..Thank you all...OUTLAW

  • Honesty

    JW's read like a J.K. Rowling novel complete with mystical numbers (1874, 1914, 1925, 1975,), shadowy figures (Governing Body), occultism (the Great Pyramid's inner passages), and magic potions (New Light).

    caveat emptor

  • garybuss

    Of course heathen knows I don't believe the Witnesses are brainwashed. I believe they're just about all willfully ignorant and many I know are willfully mean.

    The Watch Tower Publishing Corporation owners are anything BUT ignorant. They've taken free press and predatory recruiting to a new level.

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