Define what the Jehovah's Witness's religion is
The worse cult ever started by man. The most heartless religion on earth. For those who know the truth about the cult, the most hated religion on earth.
by OUTLAW 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Define what the Jehovah's Witness's religion is
The worse cult ever started by man. The most heartless religion on earth. For those who know the truth about the cult, the most hated religion on earth.
I like free2beme's definition, so I will steal some of it and try again.
They are not brainwashed people. They are meerly mind-controlled.
JW's- they are a Unitarian Christian sect that split from the Adventist
church in the 1870's and teach a literal interpretation of the Bible- but offer
their own Bible with their own unusual doctrines within- doctrines widely
rejected by mainstream Christianity. They are mainly known for their
door to door preaching work, as well as their refusal to take blood or join
military service. They believe in excommunicating members who stop
following their moral standards or reject any of their beliefs. Their brand of
excommunication calls for all members to totally shun former members,
which means to totally ignore them, unless they are living under the same
roof as family, then they can be polite, but never discuss religion.
They continue to announce the idea that these are the last days spoken
of in the Bible. They change their beliefs often, and their members are
expected to accept changes or they are excommunicated. Over all, they
are family oriented, as long as family members accept the church thinking.
They are loving to people, that are in the church or accept the church teaching.
They are supportive, as long as it is a acceptable practice of the church.
They also hate the world outside of their CHURCH and tell members that all
outsiders will be destroyed by Jehovah (their name for God) when the end
Defining the religion is very theraputic. You should all try it.
As briefly as possible, JWs are an American-origin, fundamentalist, end-time, quasi-Christian cult characterlized by door-to-door proselytizing and bans on blood transfusions, voting, military service, and holiday celebrations.