Mulan you assume by my statement that I NEVER buy gifts for people. My statement was that I enjoy not feeling forced to do something against my will ... like what I lived with for over 20 years. I love getting gifts for people on random occasions. I think it is wonderful that you enjoy the day and enjoy giving gifts. But as humans we are given leave to be different and thus, experience life differently.
To me this subject matter and discussion is another example of the black and white mentality that we were forced to live with for years. Why must it be all or nothing. Why cannot people say ... I do not do it and not get a negative reaction. I never got the impression from the various posters that they were saying they hate the day and hate the festivities. To me the various responses were logical and rational.
As for those who do not wish to participate in the holiday, I say good for us we have an opinion, we have a reason for and we stick by it. We have been bullied by people/religion and we are not going to be forced into ANYTHING that we cannot get behind, whether our reasoning is understandable to another human or not, it is ours and we should be proud we have a voice and an opinion and we are sticking to it.
If you do celebrate it good for you. Go all out. Do everything you have ever wanted to do.
Listen guys, I just got off the phone w/ my JW mom, who just went into the whole this is right and this is wrong thing, so this thread is frustrating to me, because it more of the same that we dealt with in the narrow-minded religion.
Let's all live and let live and commend people for having a different belief from us.