The best decision of my life

by YoursChelbie 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • YoursChelbie

    Was leaving the Watchtower Society the best decision of your life? For me, it definitely has been. The benefits have been so great, my peace of mind has been great--better than I thought I would feel on the "other side." After deprogramming my mind from the cult mindset everything seems clearer, brighter. My life-focus is sharper: I know what I want and what I won't put up with.

    For a fact, the freedom to get my post secondary education without being snubbed by some window washing elder is a real close second-Best.

    What has been the best decision you've made in your life?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I can only say that correcting the worst decision of my life is not necessarily the best decision of my life, but I can agree that in many cases, it is. It is the best one so far, but I hope to make better ones, yet.

  • Outaservice

    The decision to marry my current wife. She is a 'sweetheart'!


  • reneeisorym

    best decision of my life

  • fullofdoubtnow

    It was definitely my best decision. Everything I have now is a direct result of doing it.

  • NanaR
    Was leaving the Watchtower Society the best decision of your life?

    The best decision of my life was to marry my husband.

    A very close second to that was our decision to have children.

    Right behind that was my decision to go to college at age 43...

    That and some serious interference by the elders into my family prompted my decision to stop going in FS. Which lead to less meeting attendance. Which finally lead to my deciding I was no longer a Witness.

    So it is #4 on my list of good decisions :smile:


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Marriage to 'Wifey' is certainly #1. Without having been in the borg I would not have known her. That is not to say that happiness in marriage would have eluded me otherwise - but it would have been different happiness than I have enjoyed. So do I include having joined the borg as among my top good decisions? Tough call that, given the previous.


  • YoursChelbie
    A very close second to that was our decision to have children

    NanaR I totally understand what you mean. My children are the center of my world. However they were not exactly decisions for me, more like "wonderful surprises I received earlier than expected."


  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Lets see here... since leaving the borg I have damn near doubled my salary (which wasn't mince meat to start with) been promoted twice, have found a peace and understanding with myself and the world around me, have sundays free to watch football (as god intended.) Most inportantly I am not a slave to an organization that uses lies and deception to hold its members under the oppressive yoke of their man made rules.

    yeah that decesion worked out pretty good for me.

  • jaguarbass

    I'd have to agree with you. I wish I could say picking the correct lottey numbers, but so far my best decision is leaving the watchtower.


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