Joshua is on his first fieldtrip. His class is at the Children's Museum. I know he will have a lot of fun.
I don't speak about my children much here but let me tell you a little bit about Joshua. He's my fourth and last child. I became pregnant with him while I had an IUD. I had an IUD because I really didn't want any more children but was too chicken to get my tubes tied. That last pregnancy really took something out of my body, I had really bad headaches and high blood pressure during the third trimester. It got so bad that my doctor induced me a few weeks before my due date.
Joshua was the most beautiful baby I ever birthed (and all my babies were beautiful) and the nurses called him Doll Baby.
Joshua's development was normal until he got close to his second birthday, we noticed that he wasn't talking, had real issues with loud noises (he would get hysterical), and a few other things. My MIL is convinced nothing is wrong with him. My parents treat him like he's retarded (I know this is a no-no word but I feel it aptly describes how my parents treat Joshua which is highly ironic since my parents are caretakers of my 36 year old mentally and physically disabled brother).
We knew something was wrong because he just wasn't talking like our other 3 kids at that age. Luckily there is a program here in Indiana called First Steps for children 0-3 years and they were able to come in evaluate Joshua and set up therapy. We had 3 therapists coming to my house every week until Joshua turned 3, then he was evaluated again and placed in the Early Childhood Education program here in our school district.
Joshua loves school and is improving well. Just the other night he said to me "I love you"!
Life is good.