Hi guys: I'd like to add my 2 cents to this discussion. First of all, the Bible translations issue is a huge one, so it is hard to have a really good discussion, in just a few words.
I was brought up using the KJV, so it has a familiarity to it that I like, as well as a poetic flow. However, the old English can be tricky to navigate, and sometimes makes meanings obscure. I have been using the NKJV which has updated the language but maintains that familiar flow. I checked Psalms 82:18, and it doesn't have Jehovah but LORD instead. Some KJVers don't like the NKJV because it footnotes alternate manuscripts, but I actually like that--we know there are alternate manuscripts out there, so I find it helpful to know where the variations are.
It is wrong, wrong, wrong to teach that the KJV translators were inspired by the Holy Spirit, just as the original biblical authors were. It is wrong, wrong, wrong to teach that you must read the KJV only in order to receive true salvation. It is wrong, wrong, wrong to teach that the KJV can correct the original manuscripts. These are beliefs that can be held by the extremists in the KJV only camp, which makes it cult-like.
However, this doesn't necessarily make it a bad version in itself. It is based on Textus Receptus and there have been scholarly arguments put forth why this is a more reliable basis for translation than the Alexandrian texts.
As far as your discomfort with the name Jehovah, that is only natural, but perhaps time and the Lord will help this to fade.