Teenagers 1st X-mas. How do I explain?
by miss_fortunate_one 16 Replies latest social family
I wouldn't make too big a deal out of telling them the "meaning" of christmas.. just make sure they understand it's about joy and having fun, let them experience it and they will ask you if they want to know more.. then you can get deeper with them. It sounds like you are already letting them figure out on their own how much participation they want to have, I think that is the best approach
I am so happy for you that you have them with you, they are in for a lot of surprises and a lot of fun making up for lost time.
I like onthewayouts idea. I also think you could ask them what you can do so that they will feel comfortable. Ask them if there is anything they always wanted to do(I bet there will be!). They are part of the family now, and the whole family should have special things.
Make sure to watch "Its a wonderful life" Cause I love it:). . .I hope you all have a wonderful special and spiritually uplifting-in a way that all the people in your family can appreciate-day. It is a day for families, so make the best of it, feast constantly and smile until your face aches. Thats all I got!
Yes, watch "It's A Wonderful Life!" If nothing else can make you feel good at this time of year, that movie will.
Ask them if there is anything they always wanted to do(I bet there will be!).
That too!
How about explaining what Christmas means to you and why you celebrate since you do not do so for religious reasons. Then it might not seem so full of pagan/religious practices to them but more harmful. You might find out they have secretly felt deprived their whole lives and were just waiting for a chance to be normal. You didn't mention if they are still going to the hall when they are with you or not. If they are cut off from the seasonal Jdub speak it might be easier.
While there shopping a lady told my daughter that she was the same size as her daughter-in-law and would this and that fit her. She told my daughter that they were all going to a Christmas party. Then she proceeds to ask her what she would wear to a Christmas party.
I'm totally fascinated with this part of your story. How cool is that? What a delightful coincidence.
Lady Lee
Simply telling them to start living isn't really what they need. If they still believe the WT teachings they would naturally feel a lot of guilt for doing things they have been taught are wrong and worthy of eternal destruction.
What they need is a little education about controlling religions and how they use scripture to enforce their control over people. They need to know about all the failed prophesies. They need to know that the men running the WTS have been wrong since the very beginning. Once they realize the WTS is just a bunch of old men making silly rules they can be free to search out what they do need.
As long as they believe the WTS is right and the only true religion they will experience guilt and fear. Give them the tools they need to see the real truth