As you may already have heard,the WBT$ is putting members of the 144,000 to good use after death..They will be buryed 1ft above ground and used for speed bumps at Kingdom Halls around the world..The remainder will be sent to the Taxidermist for stuffing.Look for meeting attendance to go way up..They can also be propt up at street corners for field service in any weather.Look for field service reports to increase dramaticly..If all go`s well,all dead Jehovah`s Witness`s will be sent to the WBT$ owned Taxidermy "Stuff-a Dub"..In the future,Jehovah`s Witness`s will no longer retire,they will be recycled...OUTLAW
Dramatic Increase in Publishers and Field Service Reports expected!!
by OUTLAW 20 Replies latest jw experiences
Outlaw: "...the WBT$ is putting members of the 144,000 to good use after death..They will be buryed 1ft above ground and used for speed bumps at Kingdom Halls around the world.."
In addition, it's a business that has the potential to grow. With all the younger JWs that are professing to be of the "annointed," soon there'll be 1,000,000+ candidates for use in this business. What a gold mine! The WTS will be able to get out of that penny ante tract-printing business and start making some real money. -
Why, such an increase would be... astonishing!
I thought they were already propped up on street corners. Lord knows they don't do much in streetWORK 'cept stand there.
tsof -
Lady Liberty
As "Recycled Jehovah`s Witness`s" are dead and stuffed,they will have to be kept moist so they don`t dry out.."Recycled Jehovah`s Witness`s" will have to be baptised once a year..Look for an dramatic increase in Baptisims ...OUTLAW
I thought they were already propped up on street corners. Lord knows they don't do much in streetWORK 'cept stand there.
The remainder will be sent to the Taxidermist for stuffing.Look for meeting attendance to go way up.
Outlaw, don't give them ideas, they might use them. There wouldn't be that noticeably a differrence between a stuffed jw and some of the allegedly live ones anyway.
"Millions now living, will one day be speed bumps"
It doesn't have the same "pull" that the old version had... could be a hard sell.