the first less than enjoyable experience was the period after I gave up pineering in 1990, when the elders and circuit overseer were pressuribg me to sign up again
i remember this was true for me too. the first time i was really disgusted with the whole org set up was when i stopped pioneering after pioneering abroad, and the C.O. came up to me, shook my hand with glee and a big smile, and said, "Hey! so, how's your pioneering going now that you're back?" And i said, "well, actually, i've felt really drained, so i stopped pioneering". my thoughts were, maybe he will ask if there is anything "the friends" could do to help me get started again (because in all honesty i really missed long days of coffee breaks, i mean field service.). instead he said, "well, let me know if you start again, your experience in the ministry would be nice to use in a convention". so, i was "unusable" because i wasn't out in service to the WT full time anymore. i was partly relieved, because having had parts on assembly's before, i had no desire to be in front of 4,000 people bragging about "my ministry" again, but at the same time i felt very dejected like all my efforts for the society were worthless unless i kept up the status.