I've just noticed that some here have been posting for years, thousands of posts, some average 2, 5, even up to 10 posts per day, every day for years. I am relatively new to the site, just wondering, what keeps those long time posters comming back? I can actually see in my own case a time when my interest will wane. And please, I'm not criticizing, I'm just wondering...
How long will you post?
by return visitor 20 Replies latest jw friends
Gotta keep up with what my cult trapped family is being taught by the demonz of the Watchtower so I read and post to be sarcastic, help doubters and lurkers see that there is life after the cult, sometimes brainstorm a bible topic so the lurkers can see there is another side of the story other than the WTBT$ message of doom and gloom.
Since I need this place to kept whatever sanity I have left, I will be here till the big "A" comes. I hope if I can help just one person not go thru what I did, then I have done what I need to do.
I agree with both of the postings above. I have only been on a few weeks but, ya know, my sanity has been and my courage level have been along a GREAT deal since starting the site. Don't know how long I will keep going, but I suspect the mission becomes a lifelong one when you're not just doing it for you.
Hi Return Visit,
I am gradually winding down my involvement. I used to have 5 to 7 posts per day, and now I am under 2 per day. I have kept involved because I have had a long-standing stake in the child abuse issue. I was about the first person who started posting about the problem of child abuse among JWs, just before Bill Bowen of Silent Lambs joined the effort. I have given preservation testimony, depositions, affidavits, and reviewed issues for the lawfirms involved. I will eventually have to give testimony in court. I do post on this topic once in a while. Tomorrow I am releasing a post on this topic based on recent events.
All of my religious literature is for sale, including my bibles, etc. So, when it is all gone, so will I be gone. I am also back in university to get a degree in business, and then to law school. So, my time and attention to this board and other related ex-JW issue has been greatly restricted. But, the time is coming that I will completely retire from being an ex-JW. And that day is not far off.
Jim Whitney
Don't really know, don't know how long I got to live. I guess I'm addicted right now. By the way, welcome to NC. I'm not too far from WS, about a 45 min drive.
Ken P.
return visitor
Thanks for taking seriously my question. I find facanating all of your reasons for posting. And now I wonder how long I will be here?
I've been here for around a year and am still a NEWBIE.
I LOVE this site!
In the beginning of my time of questioning, it really helped me to understand the answers to the questions that I had. It gave me courage to continue to find out truth.
When I have things come up in my life, I come here to the board for guidance. It is VERY helpful to have people understand where you have come from and what you are facing. In my daily life, there is no one facing the things we all face as ex jws; so it is wonderful to have a place to turn to.
I feel it is also very important for me to come here to help others who are now in the shoes that I was in not so long ago. It can be a very scary road to go alone. Having this site gives those shunned and those who have been manipulated into thinking that they are SO bad a place of refuge.
I'll keep posting until my interest wanes. Then maybe I'll take a break. Then maybe I'll come back and post some more or maybe not. If I find something better to do, I might do it. I might stop when armageddon comes. Or I might keep posting for the thousand years after armegeddon. Then at the last minute I may repent.
I don't know how long I'll stay here. I've met so many on here in real life and consider them my friends and extended family. I hope I never loose contact with them.