In-laws from planet INSANE!

by free2beme 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • JWdaughter

    Sounds like mutual mental illness. Not being mean, but letting your house fall apart literally around your ears for that reason must be a strong indicator of mental illness. If they had no option it would be one thing, MAYBE. But there are programs for low income/bad credit. NOT to mention kids who are willing to help. Maybe they need a guardian? I hate the idea of forcing that kind of thing on a person, but you obviously care for these people, nuts as they are! They need to be safe. From the tree and themselves. Isn't something like a tree falling on a residence something counties or cities concern themselves with??

  • bigmouth

    Possibly a little insane, but quite sad too. It sounds like she has never processed her family's deaths very well. A professional grief counsellor might be money well spent.

    Good on you for caring about her.

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