The Ransom does it meet with perfect justice? This is a very loaded question, because no one can say with certainty what is perfect justice, I don't know that any such thing could exist, except in the mind of those that subjectively feel that some punishment or reward is perfect for the deed. So right from the get go we can say that someone's idea of perfect justice can not be an absolute, and is debateable from the start, depending on a whole set of variables, such as which type of cultural conditioning one was raised in, and which type of indoctrination one was subjected to among other things. So while I seriously question even the existance of some so called "Perfect Justice" I think I can say that somethings can be so far away from what can be considered justice, that most of the human race if giving it an unbiased consideration will agree.
I think we also need to bring up the question, does every so called wrong act, or sin by a human call for some type of punisment? Is that perfect justice, or is it pettiness? Is there some perfect code of justice that is an integral part of the universe, that requires even God to follow it to the letter? Even, when he much rather show love mercy and forgiveness?
Many who beleive the Bible to be the literal word of God, are faced with the delema of the many contradictions found in its pages, and when they can't explain it away they often use some type of special pleading, like we see here in our discusion of the ransom, such as "God love is so pure and perfect that we imperfect humans can not understand it."
Many say Jesus paid the price of Adam's sin, and that now God has the legal means to forgive Adam's offspring. And that because of Adam's original sin, we are dying, and suffering, and that forgiveness of that sin, is bought by Jesus torturous death thus freeing man of the condemnation passed on to us by our very ancient forefather Adam. I just don't see how this can be in any way shape or form perfect justice. For If we were born with sin thru no fault of our own and we can not ever expect to be free from sin no mater how hard we try on our own, how is that perfect justice on God's part to hold us accountable for something we were born with, and we are helplessly unable to over come? It is really justice? Is it loving? I think many who defend such behaivor on the bible God's part do so, with a strongly biased frame of mind, partly out of fear of displeasing this unforgiving deity, and partly because they won't even entertain any thought about this god that is negative, being that they have already made up thier minds, that he is God Almighty and what ever he does is good and should not be questioned, after all when you read the bible regularly over and over again you see what happens to those who in any way challenge him, the outcome is never good, reading this type of indoctrination repeatedly, has its effect on our thinking ability.