This saying has annoyed the crap outta me for years with it's jingoistic myopia and presumptious aire. (It presumes too much about God, extolling America's apparent inate goodness. For me I guess it reduces the beautiful eternal mysteries of life and the unknowable mind of 'God' to little more than some device for rallying unthinking emotional support for America to the exclusion of all others. (not that I want any recognition from America .. it just makes me cring to see America promoted like soap .. or should that read soup? Alas a soup to cleanse the world has not been invented yet)
anyway I digress ..
This subject has probably been done to death here .. but when I first heard of the tragic events in New York and Washington (living in my caravan under the peace inducing gum trees of south eastern australia) .. I was astonished and went to fitfull sleep with dreams of CIA chickens comming home to roost.
Days wore on and I heard people were being traumatised from the television pictures alone! (being in a television free zone I haven't seen the pictures yet but wow that guy piloting the second plane must have been on the worlds greatest high, seeing one tower on fire and knowing his debauched place in history was assured .. this is gonna shake the world!)
Shake the world it has. September 11 is a date we won't forget. GOD BLESS AMERICA! After a lifetime of cringing everytime I hear that saying I can for the first time, conscience free, say America I love ya! After seeing the horrors of Vietnam writ large in the lives of many of my relatives and friends, digesting enough anti-NSA CIA FBI material to sink a small boat and being taken for a long tortorous ride by an American Backstabbing and Clockwatching Society I can truly for the first time in my life say 'America I stand with you'. After meeting and befriending so many wonderful yanks on the internet my heart truly goes out to the American people like never before. When I say GOD BLESS AMERICA! it is the ordinary American people my salute goes out to. You can keep your leaders, they're no better or worse than the homegrown scum that keeps floating to the top over here. This little piece seems self indulgant but I just had to say something. It seems the events of September 11th were a watershed in the way we see America .. I have felt a profound change come over me with the shockwaves rumbling around the world. I hope the sentiment is universal and longlasting. I could prattle along for hours about Gods being commanded to bless things but when I think of wassa, Tina Doug, Dannyboy, Tally, Scallywagger, Lindy, Focus and all my other warmhearted friends of freedom all I can really think of is:
unclebruce, registering his emotional baggage and preparing to fly off the handle