Thanks for posting, Moshe and Mrs. Jones [you're welcome!].
by compound complex 23 Replies latest jw friends
Thanks for posting, Moshe and Mrs. Jones [you're welcome!].
Ray's books are a wonderful eye opener as it concerns the inner dealings of the WTS.
I'm glad I had a chance to read them and I recommend them to anyone reading this
forum and who still attends meetings or is active as a JW. Do not be afraid to know
the "truth" from someone who was there and witnessed it all from inside the sessions
of the Governing Body and then was brave enough to share the "truth" of what happens
in the GB meetings. Ray Franz deserves our thanks and our appreciation for his effort
and his honesty.
Thanks CoCo for bringing this post back to top.
You are very welcome, cattails!
Wonderful response ... THANKS!
I can understand why Ray had conscience trouble on the GB.
He is a very clear thinker and a humble Christian man.
It is no wonder he is loved by so many.