Nosferatu, how do you know so much about the ladies?
Question for Singles: Tired of hearing the "F" word?
by Elsewhere 45 Replies latest jw friends
Dave...just tell 'em you know me. And don't tell about bathing in gas to get Gulf oil off yourself at the first meeting.
No charge, Bro.......
I'm probably going to get heat for saying this.. but I think it might help to just have a booty call on the side to get you through the dry spell and get you out of the Little Brother Syndrome (LBS) that could be leading to this dreaded "friend" label. A Piece Of Ass On The Side (APOAOTS) will give you a sexual confidence and calm your nerves when approaching and talking to prospective dates. Just make sure the POAOTS realizes that the gig is just about sex and is cool with that.
new boy
What do you expect?
Your a 5 ft. kid with big ears and frickles!
Nosferatu, how do you know so much about the ladies?
I dated enough of them :)
A Piece Of Ass On The Side (APOAOTS)
Otherwise known as a "f+*k buddy"
darth frosty
From the 40 year old virgin 'quit putting the P@$$% on a pedestal.'