Here we go - It's Lions again

by PopeOfEruke 11 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hannah
    DO NOT GO TO THE ZOO! Zoos are cruel punishment and a prison to animate. You would not want to go gawk at the animals. Watchtower, 11/15/49, p.349; Awake, 5/8/73, p. 18
    It's life-saving title is "Pets - How do you view them?". Urgent information needed to survive the impending strike of Armageddon!!

    LOL!! Stay away from the zoos and you'll survive!

  • SB

    the WT promises the unatainable. i've never wanted a lion now...but it just sounds so mysterious...a pet lion? this world won't give me one? but Jehovah will?! AWESOME! i'm in, where do i sign up? OH! i'm already signed up, i just have to start turning in time again. then will i get my lion back?....

    i wonder what kind of kool-aid they'll serve when they finally realize the lie can't continue before it just gets too unbelievable/unteachable ~ then it will be time for the final transendence. :)

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