Maybe there's hope for some dubs afterall...

by undercover 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • undercover

    I heard of an interesting sheparding call where two elders stopped by a brothers house (on a Saturday morning...hmmm, I wonder, did they stop counting their time...but I digress)...anyhoo, they came to this brothers house to "encourage" him.

    It seems he had been missing a lot of meetings and his service time was way down.

    Now, knowing that this brother's wife suffered from depression and that there was some marital strife, they still sought to "encourage" him by putting pressure on him to "do more", as if this would solve all his problems.

    I know the two elders and before everyone gets a bad picture of them, they're actually okay guys...its just that they're unqualified to act as marriage counselors or to give advice in the mental health field. So, in true WT fashion, they resort to attributing this brother's lack of meeting attendance and service time as part of the problem.

    A lot of JWs would fold under this pressure and give in to the guilt or fear and promise to be at the next meeting and make arrangements to share in the ministry the next week. We've been there. We've felt the guilt. Our initial reaction is that we've let Jehovah down and we've go to do better.

    But once you've gotten away from that WTthink you realize its all BS. We even wonder later how dumb were we to let them control us so.

    This brother must be starting to think on his own and without help from outside information or sources. His response was more gutsy than anything that I would have ever said while I was still in. I can only paraphrase but it went something like this after being asked if he would like to schedule time to work with the elders in field service:

    "Not really. I'm going to be honest here. I hate field service. I hate wasting my Saturdays knocking on people's doors. I don't like people that much. I don't care enough about them to tell them that they need to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses if they want to live forever. I'd rather spend it with my own family and work on our own problems."

    I was not told the ramifications of that response. I would guess it does not bode well for him in the congregation but I think it's a start down the path to freedom from WT opression. I see this brother from time to time and I hope to drop some hints of things that can get him thinking for himself even more.

  • Honesty

    I foresee a "LOCAL NEEDS" talk in the near future... 'AVOIDING SATAN's SNARES'

  • parakeet

    "So, in true WT fashion, they resort to attributing this brother's lack of meeting attendance and service time as part of the problem."

    The JWs always get things backwards, don't they? They assume we slack off meetings and field service for other (always nefarious) reasons, and that continued absence further weakens our faith.

    They don't understand that lowered meeting attendence is not the CAUSE of doubting the WTS, it's the RESULT.

    They don't understand that increased meeting attendance will only reinforce those doubts.

    They don't understand, period.

  • Narkissos
    This brother must be starting to think on his own and without help from outside information or sources. His response was more gutsy than anything that I would have ever said while I was still in. I can only paraphrase but it went something like this after being asked if he would like to schedule time to work with the elders in field service:

    "Not really. I'm going to be honest here. I hate field service. I hate wasting my Saturdays knocking on people's doors. I don't like people that much. I don't care enough about them to tell them that they need to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses if they want to live forever. I'd rather spend it with my own family and work on our own problems."

    Very interesting answer. Only when we allow ourselves to voice our thoughts without self-censorship do we empower ourselves to think further. You can bet that most JWs with some time in the system have had some dissident thoughts, but as long as they don't voice them such thoughts are not "real" even to themselves. Policing expression is the # 1 rule of mind control.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings undercover,

    I would have loved to see the expressions on those "elders" puss when your friend was telling what they didn't want to hear. It must have sounded like a picture window being smashed. After all the truthful reasons he gave for not wanting to go, are never supposed to happen. I hope he's another one who's successful in his fade. Keep us posted.


  • 95stormfront
    "Not really. I'm going to be honest here. I hate field service. I hate wasting my Saturdays knocking on people's doors. I don't like people that much. I don't care enough about them to tell them that they need to study the Bible with Jehovah's Witnesses if they want to live forever. I'd rather spend it with my own family and work on our own problems."


    In my neck of the woods that would practically be an act of defiance in WT circles that based upon the two elders she showed up at my door a coupleof months ago that wouldn'thave deterred them one bit. They would've just turned on their firehose of guilt and srpayed him with it's what Jehovah expects of you crapola.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Great story undercover.

    My answer will be "I read this 1969 Awake that said we
    should not go to college (I carry a copy of it in my bag)
    because the end is right around the corner and you would
    never get to work in your field after you graduate, better to
    spend the small amount of months building your relationship
    with Jehovah. I thought about that article. If I preached to an
    18 year old girl about this in 1969 (I am not old enough, maybe
    my Mom preached to her) and got her to listen, now she's
    a single, childless, housecleaner with no health insurance. She
    is 55 years old and doesn't have any savings, still rents, and
    drives a 10 year old car, but she's a faithful pioneer that just found
    out she has a skin disease from exposure to chemicals. She's
    bitter and lonely and can barely afford to go to her Conventions
    in the Summer. What if I, in 2006, find that next 18 year old?
    I would rather spend my time working out my own doubts than
    start somebody new down that road."

    I am ready to say that, but my elders are afraid to ask.

  • Seeker4

    Shortly before I began my serious fade, an elder invited me out in service with him. I straight out told him that because of the 1914 generation change, I wouldn't be going out in service anymore. I told him I felt we ought to go house to house apologizing for misleading people for the past century!

    My hats off to this brother. What he said was great, and so true.


  • sspo


    Great answer.

  • kwintestal

    Good for him! Great response! I bet the elders didn't know what to say after that!


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