Applicants line up to fill jobs left empty by Swift plant raid

by Bryan 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tuesday

    The scary part is many of those SS numbers are stolen. Could it be yours?

    Wow, if an illegal immigrant is using my social security number that would make me just want to get a random credit card and max it out buying stuff, then I'll just blame it on identity theft. Merry Christmas to me

  • Warlock
    Americans are lining up for the jobs. What is it we hear all the time? They're doing jobs Americans won't.

    Isn't this the point? The spinning has already started. Here come all the "add-on"ers". But this.............but that.


  • sspo
    That's a shame. They work for probably minimun wages, get taxes and SS taken out and they still make better money that at home.

    A skilled worker in Mexico such an electrician and bricklayer is making $20-25 a week.

    Unskilled much less than that, i would cross and sneak in this country too.

    What they make in this country they can support 8 families back in Mexico.

  • Stephanus

    Isn't this the point? The spinning has already started. Here come all the "add-on"ers". But this.............but that.

    Yes, it's terrible when a perfectly good screed* gets ruined by those unpleasant little facts!

    Noun1.screed - a long monotonous harangue
  • Warlock

    You mean diversions.


  • bluesapphire
    Isn't this the point? The spinning has already started. Here come all the "add-on"ers". But this.............but that.

    And here come the "everything is black or white-no room for discussion" finger-pointing judgers... they this ...... they that .......

    Sooooo, you think the pan-handler down the street is gonna make the meat-packing industry more efficient? Gonna make them more money? Gonna make the cost of meat go down because they're such great workers? Yeah, I didn't think so!

    And hey, I wonder why they don't raid the fruit and veggie pickers all up and down California while they're at it. Hmmmm, let's not think about that!

  • Stephanus

    And here come the "everything is black or white-no room for discussion" finger-pointing judgers... they this ...... they that .......

    "For ever complex problem, there is a simple solution...and it is always wrong!"

    I love it when people have such firm opinions in such obvious grey areas like the immigration debate - it reminds me of what this board is all about!

  • Satanus

    America should invade mexico, change the regime, root out the coruption, establish democracy, build infrastructure, etc, etc; all the things that wb said that they wanted for iraq. That would solve the us illegal immigration problem, as well as creating another dynamic, productive economy in north america Why not fix your own back yard before tackling yards on the other side of the globe. It would be a good practice run, too.


  • bluesapphire
    America should invade mexico, change the regime, root out the coruption, establish democracy, build infrastructure

    I'm not sure if this is in jest so I'm assuming it IS.

    It's not like there is no corruption in the US after all. And Mexico is a sovereign democracy already.

  • bluesapphire
    when people have such firm opinions in such obvious grey areas

    Yeah, it reminds me of *some* organization we all know and love! It's like they changed one intolerant form of bigotry for another. Huge yawn.

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