I saw him, his wife and kids coming from a basketball game, going on the train. He looked right at me, I said, "Hi!" and he put his eyes and head downward as if he couldn't say hello. Hmmmmmm
I Saw Some JWs Last Night & They Gave Me The Cold Shoulder Like I Was Df'd
by minimus 50 Replies latest jw friends
You know the old JW saying: When in doubt, consider 'em out!
I would say that someone is saying unofficial bad thngs about you, min...gossiping or possibly slandering even.
When I was a baptized, meeting-going, magazine-selling JW, there were still some JWs that would treat me that way, my hubbie too. There was no incentive to keep going.
Ironic thing is, his wife was the last person I was involved with as an elder judicially. She got df'd.
Maybe he's a little miffed that you've got the gall to DF his wife but then you go off and become inactive. Not that I'm agreeing, mind you, just sayin'...
You're a "marked" man, Min.
Well you really can't expect them to run over and embrace you the way you were dressed.
Greetings Minimus,
Next time give 'em the bird. Remember, you're not supposed to be alive, you don't to meetings and that poor dick does.
Dis, They didn't show me any love.
He's prolly pissed at you for being a part of his wife's DFing???
Maybe he didn't recognize you in your M&M outfit????