You cant fake it. Candiate is scrutinized for years and years. Indivuduals that do not qualify get appointed though some because they hide disqualifications others because the cong needs the help standards are lowered.
Deception in the Elder/MS Appointment Arrangement
by deaconbluez 23 Replies latest jw friends
The JW elder arrangement is a farce, a system designed to conscript middle management so that the cult leaders in Brooklyn can maintain control and fear. Seriously though oftentimes it all depends upon who you know. If you are a regular pioneer or have the CO "simonized" then you'll be promoted for sure.
wasanelderonce: the brother confided in a relative of mine. After it was said and done there was much speculation (gossip) as to what they could have done. I think they started telling people what had happend so that no one would think they had some problem as a married couple (adultery, etc.). Better people know the truth than speculate something worse. They are now in a different cong.
I think they started telling people what had happend so that no one would think they had some problem as a married couple (adultery, etc.). Better people know the truth than speculate something worse.
True friends stand by you. Even in the cult, if Jah and the elders forgive you, then the congregation should have accepted that.
As far as speculation being worse than the truth, let the couple decide how much to say. I know what you are saying, because I used to counsel people to stop guessing what happened to those removed as pioneers or MS. That's all the elders should have done- counsel the gossips.