Does the Society monitor and read this site

by avidbiblereader 30 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    So to all the Dear Brothers? & Sisters? that read OUR loving site ( well Simons really) I want to wish a VERY MERRY CHRIST-MAS & A great loss of members for the NEW YEAR! We are all here waiting to welcome you to this UNCONDITIONAL LOVE SITE!!!!

    Granny/Mouthy/ Grace>or if you prefer Undeserved Kindness>>>> or Grace Gough....Yes you asked me to come back into bondage but I love being FREE IN CHRIST you should try it you will love it....

  • free2beme

    Yes, there is a secret community that watches this site like a hawk and reports to all congregations in an e-mail, that are mentioned, activity that is directly related to their area. If you mention Oregon for example, all Oregon congregations will get a copy of this message. If you mention the United States, it is a real pain, as they have to send a copy to all United States congregations and even territories of the United States. It also pays to note that they directly base a lot of their reasoning with Apostates, after thoughts made on this site and have even quoted in a cut and paste manner, the comments made here. Recently my sister in law, who is a Witness, mentioned that this site was mentioned by name from the platform as a Apostate hang out and to not be confused by the title to think it is for active Witnesses. She also mentioned that the society was designing a virus to infect all posters of this site, so that their computer shuts down and locks up when this site is brought up. So yes, the society is very serious about watching this site and they do keep a secret list all all those here and what we say in a file in Brooklyn, with back-ups at Patterson for good measure. So use caution!

  • Clam
    She also mentioned that the society was designing a virus to infect all posters of this site, so that their computer shuts down and locks up when this site is brought up.

    Ha, now that is stretching things. The Jehovah trojan.

  • Dansk

    A lad from Bethel contacted me via pm and told me this site is DEFINITELY monitored and that he himself had to be careful because he thinks Bethel were on to him (he used to come here because he was having doubts). I never heard from him again and can only assume he got got caught.

    Personally, I'm glad they do monitor this and similar sites. They KNOW the society is rocking and on its last legs. Many of us here don't care about Watchtower and opnely publish our photographs. I'm the good looking guy on the left


    By coming right out onto the open we hope to encourage others to be less fearful. I was a ministerial servant in the Whitefield, Manchester Congregation, now moved to Bury in Greater Manchester. Fear is Watchtower's greatest weapon. When it loses that hold over its members it knows its days are numbered. It can't hurt me any more than it already has. There used to be six of my family in the org, now there is only one - and she spoke to me last Friday! You can read what my family went though right here plus Friday's update: Happily we are 99.99% healed now! Just need to get my daughter out!

    The internet has been Watchtower's greatest enemy, which is why it is always advocating that it is a tool of Satan and that its members should stay away from it. I shall do whatever I can to help others escape from this heinous cult. It is now losing millions of $ in court settlements. It is the seat of Satan!

    May all JWs have a really Happy Christmas and May 2007 be the greatest year for damaging Watchtower yet!

    Love to All on JWD,


  • avidbiblereader

    Dansk, I have just read your post on torn apart and my heart goes out to you. I likewise pray for you and your family, the org has ripped apart family after family. I am sorry to hear the pain that you are going through. May God bless you and your family for your stong stand for truth.


  • MadTiger

    To those lurking:

    No matter what methods you use, you can still be detected
    by anyone determined enough to catch you. Be cautious.

  • avidbiblereader

    Just a thougth from Ps 15: 1, 2

    1 O Jehovah, who will be a guest in your tent? Who will reside in your holy mountain?

    2 He who is walking faultlessly and practicing righteousness
    And speaking the truth in his heart.

    Even if you get caught, at least you know that you were true to your heart and being a guest with the Most High, not a bad trade off


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Words of Wisdom From No Less Than Charles Taze Russell:

    "The endeavor to compel all men to think alike on all subjects, culminated in the great apostasy and the development of the great Papal system; and thereby the 'gospel,' the 'one faith,' which Paul and the other apostles set forth, was lost - buried under the mass of universal decrees of popes and councils." -- ZWT 9/1/1893, pp. 262-264

    Fast forward and what have you got? Let the record speak for itself!


  • Seeker4


    That's quite a list of accusations about the WTS. Any proof of that? I know that a lot of active JWs, and even several elders and MS lurk and at times post here.

    But I would very much doubt that the WTS spends any great amount of time on here. They know how effective and powerful a lot of apostate reasoning is - whom exactly would they put in that kind of "spiritual danger" by assigning them to monitor this site? If anyone has some actual proof, beyond the anecdotes mentioned above, I'd love to hear them. Like Dansk, I post my own pic here, and have used my name and location. No fear of old "mother" anymore.


  • avidbiblereader

    Very good quote coco, it is a shame they have fallen into the trap that the first Society Pres said has caused the apostasy. He probably wouldn't be witness today how it all worked out, thanks


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