The owners of my business cannot meet payroll and have not paid a lot of bills.
The owner of the place I used to manage wants me back at twice the salary I make now but doesn't want Jake there. I accepted and Jake is very upset. He wants me to look for something we can both work together and I really don't want to. He is not a prejudiced man but has a very foul mouth calls blacks the n word and gays the f word and whites the red neck crap he hates car repair and just wants to play music but can't make a living at that. So I told him I can support us at this other job and he can play his music but I will control his expenses unless he gets a job to make his own money. He just spent 1000.00 on an amp today and didn't tell me I am pissed to say the least. So what do I do He is content to be poor and I am not. Any advice he is 60 and I am 55 not exactly employable in todays job market. Blues music does not sell and I remember buying all the equipment and waiting tables to support this and I will not do it again.