Need a little advice on this

by hambeak 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Virgochik

    Sounds like he is using you, and you could do better. Who needs it? After he buys all his sh*t with your money, he may leave, and what'll you have but an empty checkbook?

  • MeneMene

    I hate to see nice people being taken advantage of and it sounds like you are both - nice & being taken adantage of. - - - I have to agree with what Abandoned said. - - - As a single female, I found men very expensive and never had one that would keep a job for long at the time. It took me a long time & several men (LOL) but I finally decided it just wasn't worth the effort and the $$$. - - - It would be nice to have companionship but at some point you just have to make sure you take care of yourself first. - - - You're not a slave to the WTS anymore - don't let yourself be a slave to anyone else either. I wish you the best whatever you choose.

  • aniron

    Let him go and find out how to run his own life and not live off other people.

    When he has to make his own money and earn a living maybe he'll realise how lucky he was with you.


    HamBeak..Do you really need advise about someone who won`t be there when the money is gone?..HamBeak..Are you listening?..I mean to yourself..You would`nt have started this thread if something was`n`t wrong..Your 55..Your a big boy..Make a decision...OUTLAW

  • SPAZnik

    People do not change until they are uncomfortable.
    Stop making him comfortable.

  • bernadette

    Hi hambeak

    What a dilemma you are in.

    IMHO you are being realistic and responsible

    merry christmas


  • lisavegas420

    He's 60 not 16...tell him to shape up or ship out. He a user....

    Oh and the pouting comment just pushed me over the edge...can't stand a pouting man. Grow the f up!!!!


    Merrry Chrismas

  • Scully

    If he is spending $1000 of your money on a new amp, and costs $600 a week to maintain, it doesn't sound like he really is content to be "poor", as you said.

    It sounds more like he is spoiled and content to mooch off you.

    You have an opportunity to earn a better wage - I would go for it too. Maybe if he got off his butt and earned some money himself, instead of pouting (like a spoiled high maintenance diva), there might be less stress in your life. You really don't need this kind of crap.

  • lisavegas420

    600 dollars a week......he is kinda high maintance, isn't he?


  • hambeak

    Well after a lot of discussion he has realized that I will not pay for his toys and He will have to. I am going to work for the other company and he will have to find something else. He is resourceful

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