Why Do Muslims Come To The U.S.?

by TR 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    In the town I live in, there are many male Arabic students that come here for an education. But is that really their reason for coming? Or, are they here to taste the freedom that the U.S. provides? Many of them go out partying and do many things that they would be condemned for in their homeland.

    One of our neighbors hosted a Saudi student a few years ago. The first thing he did was to buy a whole bunch of high budget toys, and cruise around like some sheik trying to be Mr. Cool. The hosts finally got sick of his shit and kicked his ass out. He left his toys, and went back to Saudi Arabia.

    So what's their motive? Is our education system really that appealing to them, or is it the freedom we have to act like dipshits?


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • LDH

    "I think people just want to save money." (said in an Indian accent)

    No, really, my hubby and I were talking last night. Those bastards were here for YEARS planning these attacks. wouldn't you think they'd give in to the American lifestyle? After a life time of living in a cave and three years of living in the US I'm not so sure I'd be ready to immolate myself in the name of Allah.


  • Introspection

    lol Lisa..

    TR are you asking about Muslims or people from that region? Frankly, there are Muslims native to other countries, including the U.S. I'm constantly reminded of the great melting pot of dipshits we have in this country for that matter. (damn, not a pretty picture is it?)

  • Silverleaf

    At the risk of sounding un-politically correct [8>] I think they come here for two reasons:

    One, a simple military strategy is, know your enemy. As I heard recently on a news show, a lot of young men come here from the middle east and rather than being enamored of the freedom they can have here, they become more entrenched in their archaic beliefs because of the 'decadence' they encounter here. They live the lifestyle, and at the same time condemn it. They go back home and bring stories of American immorality that fuel the flames of discontent among their people.

    Two: They come here because they can. They can take advantage of our policies, our freedom, our technology, our often undeserved generosity. What greater victory over your enemies than to have them freely hand over the tools by which to defeat them.

    Actually let me amend that - this is why the terrorists who wrongly call themselves Muslims come here. I think true Muslims come here for the same reason everyone else does. They can live their lives they way they want to, have a better standard of living, and enjoy all the advantages they would not have in the third world.


  • willy_think

    maby thay didn't get the "racist bigoted christians only" memo.

  • GinnyTosken


    I worked for a program at Indiana University that was part of International Programs. The program enabled Malaysian students (mostly Muslim) to study in the U.S. and also sent professors to Malaysia to help with the shortage of professors there.

    These students wanted to attend universities that had strong programs in their fields of interest. Many areas of specialized research are only available outside of Malaysia. I would imagine the same is true in the Arabic world.

    While I worked for the program, about 2,000 students came over each year. Some of them went wild with credit cards and partying and had to be sent home. Most of the students were very serious about their studies and did quite well. The percentage of Malaysian wild ones appeared no different from the percentage of American students who come to IU and become party animals.

    These exchange programs are designed to foster understanding and cooperation between nations. These students spend years studying English and learning about American culture and history.

    I am pleased that the response in my community has not been driven by fear and prejudice. This is from the Indiana Daily Student of Tuesday, September 25. I especially like the day when Muslims and non-Muslims wore a hijab or kufi:

    As Muslims in Bloomington and around the country braced for backlash following the terrorist attacks two weeks ago, what they weren't prepared for was the outpouring of community support. . . .

    Some students have been attacked or verbally harassed, but more people have shown understanding, said senior Sohaib Sultan. . . .

    Bilal, along with Kathryn Bryan, a continuing studies student, organized a buddy system for Muslims wanting an escort to and from classes. She said they received hundreds of e-mails from people wanting to help. Bryan said the response was so overwhelming that she couldn't respond to each one individually.

    But, that's not all. Last week, Muslims and non-Muslims participated in a solidarity event by wearing the hijab or the kufi, a head covering Muslim women and men wear.

    The Religious Studies Department also sponsored an event about Islam last Wednesday and more than 300 people showed up at Ballantine Hall. The turnout was so huge that the room couldn't hold everyone and 200 people were turned away, said moderator Kevin Jaques, a religious studies professor. Last weekend, churches invited Muslims to speak about their religion. More discussions are planned for later this week and month.


  • joelbear

    I agree they come here because of the benefits the free lifestyle gives them.

    One of the hijackers was a regular at an adult bookstore near the hotel he was staying in.

    Their religious faith is just a sham. They kill because they hate, not because of some noble cause. Killing is just as much a release and enjoyment of passion as sex is. Just one that harms a lot more.



  • Pathofthorns

    Since when did America not become a place where people of all backgrounds and religions cannot visit, enjoy and seek an education?

    Your example is a bad attempt at trying to paint all Muslims with the same brush and does nothing to better relations of people of different backgrounds and cultures living within the same community.

    Perhaps you should call your thread "Why do terrorists come to the U.S?" or maybe "Why Ignorant Americans are Prejudiced against Muslims"


  • jelly


    Very good post. The situation is the same here in California; the Muslim community has been touched by the outpouring of support and friendship from the community in general. It amazes me how some people can be so racist and prejudiced to see all people in just one light. I really see no difference in the MINORITY of American bigots that see all Muslims as terrorist or people like pathofthorns that see all Americans as bigots. Ignorance. Inexcusable.


  • TR


    Your example is a bad attempt at trying to paint all Muslims with the same brush and does nothing to better relations of people of different backgrounds and cultures living within the same community.

    Oh, b.s.

    There are many of Islamic faith in my town that have been here for years that lead very quiet and respectful lives. I was talking about those who come over here to go to school, then go back home. Many of these "students" are heavy into the party scene, that's why I asked the questions. You're trying to put words in my mouth, so, BLLLECCCCHHHH! I spit them right back out!


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

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