A "stumbling" question for a JW

by changtech 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • changtech

    I posted my first topic a few months ago, asking people for advice because my boyfriend is a JW, and will not understand why I will not convert.

    We are currently not together, but friends. He still insists on me staring another bible study. I have asked him questions about 1914, and the 144,000, but he keeps avoiding them.

    Anyways, he continues to say only his faith has "The Truth".

    So finally, I asked him, "If you have the truth, why does the organization continue to update their beliefs (for example, the new Revelation book coming out has something like over 50 'updated' things in it), yet claim each time, their new beliefs are definite, and the truth/light?"

    I continued to say, "So what I believe of the society now may be different in five years. The new "truth" may be completely different than the previous, how can I put my faith into that?"

    I hope I'm explaining this good enough, but he had a hard time answering this.

  • Seeker4

    I would guess that your boyfriend is like a lot of young people I know who were raised as Witnesses - they know very little about the religion, and just kind of parrot a few ideas (ie: "we're the only religion that has the Truth," etc.).

    A co-worker has a son who works with a young JW. This kid can't answer anything about the religion - just says he'll check it out when he's asked about stuff. We joke that "Eric is a Witness, just not a very good one!"

    It's hard to discuss things with some people like that because they don't know enough to argue against!


  • moshe

    99.9% of the world are not JW's. Name one thing in life that you would risk your life on going against those kind of odds?

    JW's= the 1/10% loser club

  • avidbiblereader

    No you asked it and explained it right


  • Confession

    I agree. Changtech, you did a nice job for someone newly acquainted with the organization. Putting one's faith in something that changes all the time--often back and forth--is ridiculous indeed. For someone inside, it usually takes quite a lot in order for them to finally give themselves permission to look at all the information objectively. It appears that many may never wake up. I certainly hope your friend/boyfriend does.

  • SirNose586

    Ohh, there's plenty more things you can do to make him squirm. You could ask him, "Do Witnesses care more about being loyal or being right on an issue?", to which he will reply "being loyal." Easy pickin's, as you can point out several scriptures that would indicate that being RIGHT is more important.

    I don't know if he knows the weaselly "tacking" defense to explain the oscillating truths, but if he does, you could say, "So tacking is used by a sailor to navigate against harsh winds. What "winds" are preventing God or the HS from communicating properly with humans?" At this point he might say that humans can't stand "full light," then ask why Paul could say that the message he wrote enabled a person to be completely equipped for preaching.

  • Dismembered

    Greetings changtech ,

    If you want to continue to complicate the events in your life, stick with this JW. If not, buy a pair of new sneakers and sprint away. Just as a reminder, he meant what he said (as you've posted) that "the only way we can stay together, is, if evetually you convert to his faith".....blah,blah,blah.... Where women are at the bottom of the watchtower totem pole. Does that sound all that inviting?


  • Terry

    You are confused.

    Jehovah's Witnesses aren't concerned with what is THE TRUTH.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are concerned about being RIGHT.

    There is a difference.

    To Jehovah's Witnesses the bible is like a joke being passed around and the way THEY tell it is the funniest way.

    Everybody else is WRONG in their world.

    They arrange scriptures in a pattern which suits the fancy of the people at the top. The people at the top are confused themselves but pretend not to be.

    JW's play at "explaining". They don't explain anything, really. They tell their joke and you better laugh.

    If you don't laugh, it is YOU who don't have a sense of humor.

    Being "faithful" as a JW is learning your routine and doing it by rote. You'll only anger or confuse them if you ask deep questions which require thinking and reasoning.

    To your boyfriend you are a heckler in his audience while he is trying to get a laugh. He is forced to deal with you. He isn't listening to your points or opinions or proofs. You are annoying him. He is going to have you thrown out of his little comedy club if you keep interrupting his performance.

    You best realize your error now and get up and leave. He is really looking for a laugh and not a thinking person to have a relationship with.

    (Note: At first they were "bible students", then they were "International Bible Students", then, they were Jehovah's Witnesses, then, they were Jehovah's Christian Witnesses, etc. They can't even get their punchline down straight!)

  • OnTheWayOut
    I have asked him questions about 1914, and the 144,000, but he keeps avoiding them.

    A mind-control cult is defined as a group that uses deceitful recruitment tactics
    and coercive pressure to retain members.
    You asked about things that would make you think before you joined. Most JW's
    accept the doctrinal explanation for the issues, but know that new recruits will
    have trouble with them- so they don't want to explain these- some don't know how
    to explain them.

    They say the important thing is that they understand the truth from the Bible and
    use God's name. Their teachings to recruits do not explain the role of their leaders
    at all. Tell him that there are plenty of "sisters" in the Watchtower Organization
    for such a great "brother" and run away.

  • Terry

    There is an old saying. You can't beat a man at his own game.

    It is true.

    Jehovah's Witnesses' game is getting you into a "discussion" of details. They've tricked out their details. You will NEVER win their game.

    Back off. Step way back. Avoid those tricked up details.

    What is the largest single issue which defeats the JW entirely?


    Be a broken record. Don't get sidetracked. This is THE ISSUE. There is no other.

    If Jehovah's Witnesses are FALSE PROPHETS you cannot believe anything they say, do, or teach in God's name.

    Are they FALSE PROPHETS?

    The record is abundantly, unavoidably clear.

    They speak in the name of Jehovah about events to come which do NOT come to pass.

    End of story.

    End of argument.

    End of their authority to teach.

    Wrong is wrong. Doesn't matter what their motive is. A FALSE PROPHET is God's own test and it must be applied to anybody claiming to represent Him.

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