My husband and I agreed to a "Bible Study" at the door. Two weeks later, here come our JW couple to teach us all about the Bible. So what do they do? They provide us with all kinds of pamphlets, colorful picture books, etc...and so on. So I asked the obvious question:
"So which book of the Bible do you want to start with? Personally, I would like to read through Romans and Galatians! But you can pick."
(Strange look and silence.) "We would like to start with this." As Mr. JW slips a fresh copy of "What Does God Require?" under my nose. I open it and see a bunch of questions at the top of the page.
"Hmmm." I say. "I thought we were going to study the BIBLE."
"This is an introduction, so you can better understand.", he explains.
"OH.", I say. "But isn't the Bible sufficient to teach us all we need to know?"
Silence. It's getting awkward. I want him to come back, because I want to see responses to further questions.
"Okay, I'll tell you what...," I say. "I'll read the questions at the top of the page, then I'll search the Scriptures for the answers FIRST. THEN, I'll see what your pamphlet has to say. Okay? because you would agree that we should always search the Scriptures, right? I mean, there are a lot of false religions out there, so I want to make sure everything lines up with the Bible."
He agreed and they both were just so excited about the whole deal! Right up until they could see that the Scriptures didn't support their pretty little picture book afterall. Oh, well. I'd say we all learned something from the whole experience, even if there wasn't any admittance to it! ;0)