Jehovah is like a dead beat dad

by MsMcDucket 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MsMcDucket

    He's never around when you need him. The kids don't know what he looks like or what he's like at all. Other men step in and run the family and you get treated like a stepchild or abused. You want your real dad to come and get you; he's supposed to be so good; but he never comes. When you grow up, you go and find your dad; only to find out that he has another family with kids. He treats those children like gold and doesn't even remember who you are. Or which woman he had sex with to make you.

    Anybody want to add to this. . .just put something like Jehovah is like a candy bar. . . ? Or just add on to the deadbeat dad part.

  • dvw

    yep, the jdubs always say he is so approachable and how one should get to know him by studying his word. this is like your real dad writing you a note at your birth and then never seeing you again for the rest of your life. come on.

  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    I fully agree with that analysis. Whenver a JW fully accepts the doctrine as the word of god. There position as parents has been usurped by a very faulty ideology. An ideology that puts a corporation ahead of family. Rational thought disappears and gut instincts as well. We have instincts for a reason and accepting somone elses ideas on how to raise their kids is a cop out in parenting that does not require the use of thought and is more a punitive way of growing up than a loving way. The truth of the matter is, for anyone who grew up in this, our parents were really 12 ponticating geeks from brooklyn new York. We were raised by con artists from afar. People who never had children themselves and yet will interpret the world to us.

  • MsMcDucket

    When you want to see your dad. . .he says he's coming. .. and then doesn't show up! Just breaks a kid's heart!

  • avidbiblereader

    While everyone is giving their opinion, I DISAGREE. He has given us a home which we are destroying, he provides more food than we can eat except man's greed prevents the distribution of it. He has promised us something far greater but we must wait on Him. He has given us life and didn't have to. He has given us color, taste, senses and much more. Just because we don't recieve somthing as soon as we want, as spoiled children we shouldn't say that he isn't there. If anyone is a parent who reads this post or replys, do you give to your children as soon as they requests something, I can only imagine a spoiled child pulling on the skirt, give me, give me, give me until they get it. I sure hope not. To me He is a loving Father and has been there and will be there in the future, I am willing to wait.


  • OpenFireGlass
    If anyone is a parent who reads this post or replys, do you give to your children as soon as they requests something,

    ummmmm... so.... whateva!

    but! if i see my kid flailing in the water, screaming for help.... do i let him/her drowned, just cuz my kid didn't listen to me in the first place?

    HELL NO!!!!! I immediatly jump in and save him/her... right?

    I mean, we're all down here drowning and flailing and asking for help.... but not getting any

    and why do all the well off/rich people give praise to god for their wefair, while inoccent CHILDREN in third world counties suffer?

    point being, I'm not going to blame or praise an imaginary character that does not exist...

    PEACE, Mike

  • MsMcDucket

    and why do all the well off/rich people give praise to god for their wefair, while inoccent CHILDREN in third world counties suffer?

    Yeah! Never comes to see you, but treats his other kids like gold! He's cold!

  • zanex

    and like the child that forever wants to be able to show their love to a dead beat dad..u will wait as well..most likely forever. As a parent myself I know the value in setting reasonable goals for my child to meet..and rewards that are of both kind..immediate AND long term. I would hardly associate the "whiny child" with the group of people that have been ignored by their "heavenly father"

    but hey..everyone's entitled to their own opinion....IMHO my vote goes in the way of callin him the biggest dead beat dad ever...


  • Tyrone van leyen
    Tyrone van leyen

    What kind of love can anyone really expect from a corporation. A corporation has no soul, only directives and it's own survival comes before anything else. The corporation will tell you anything you need to hear to continue in your delusions of having a deep need met. Jehovah and the corpoation are one and the same. Only empty words, and never the chance to meet face to face because of our inferior status. A loving father would never behave this way.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I heard about this 'jehovah' in jw literature - sounds like a bum - sure glad he's not my dad

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