If you don't believe in a god, why are you mad at it?
Good point. It's a bit like being mad at Superman. But if you had been taught that Superman was real, you'd have to wonder why he never showed himself and actually did any of the things for which he is known, and you might even be mad at him for not saving someone from disaster.
What Christ taught and what Christianity teach and taught in the past are two differant teachings. Christ was not a christian. Nor did he teach christianity,
Agreed. He was a Jew who taught obedience to the law and the virtues of being nice (among other, less sensible things).
he brought a government and not a new one, but the one from the beginning.
Now that's Christianity.
What I find really sad is that it's so simple. Even if you don't believe in God, you still can, treat your neighbor as yourself, and take care of the earth, because it provides us our food shelter and clothing.
Absolutely, and you can find many people doing that whether or not they believe in gods. They are sensible philosophies and owe nothing to the existence or otherwise of any deity.
What prevents man from doing that? (greed, money, power, control over their follow man and woman)
Things like that, but most of the time you'd find people actually do follow those precepts. But that's a separate issue anyway. Returning somewhat to the original analogy of the thread, it's like ignoring the deadbeat father's absence and pointing out that the kids are fighting. Unfortunately one of the reasons for conflict in the world is that most religions don't just stop at "Treat others as you would like to be treated" but have added some very questionable rules alongside them, ranging from the inconvenient ("Don't light a fire on Saturday") to the downright evil ("No blood transfusions"). Those who get their morals from their holy book or holy man are not capable of distinguishing between the good advice and the bad. Fortunately today, most people in the civilised world get their morals elsewhere and ignore - or reinterpret - the parts of their holy book that disagree with common sense and civility. But we can see every day what happens when people do not.
Now what are WE doing personally to end suffing? Are we helping each other to the best of our abilities or Continuing the lie governments propagate?
Lots of people are doing their best each and every day. Many many people devote their whole lives to helping others. When a major disaster happens, people often give till it hurts. If they could prevent the disaster, I don't know anybody who would choose not to. If doing so would cost them nothing at all, then anyone who would do nothing would have to be some kind of monster. Unfortunately, large-scale natural disasters are usually beyond our ability to prevent. If there was a god, he would necessarily have this ability and therefore chooses not to use it.
As for me I'm going to continue following the Spirit of the law, and if I'm considered a fool for doing so, then the fool I am.
If you mean you'll be kind to your neighbours and take care of the earth, then you're no fool. I hope you do it because of a combination of rational thinking and compassion for others, but the effect is almost the same if you do it just to please a deity - as long as you don't take what it says too seriously.