When I saw that this thread was 7 pages long I knew it was something important. And it is! I'm happy for the both of you. May you have a long life together.
Otherwise Engaged...
by LittleToe 199 Replies latest social relationships
Ross, I hope it last as long as my best friend's. We are going to his 50th aniversary on Jan 14th. His kids and grandkids are getting it together.
May happiness follow you the rest of your lives.
Ken P.
Thanks for the well wishes. I suspect I'll be dead and buried long before a 50th anniversary occurs (Diane is probably wondering if she'll be dead and buried before a wedding occurs), but it's the thought that counts, right?
We've both had previous marriages that lasted into double figures of years, so I suspect we have a reasonable idea about what we do or don't want (or will tolerate) and have sounded that out with each other over the years. Fortunately we've both very tolerant - we're like an old married couple already!
BlackSwan of Memphis
Congratulations LT!
Congratulations to you both! Naturally we all hope that you will choose to live in the USA. That way we would get to see you more often.
I suspect I'll be dead and buried long before a 50th anniversary occurs ( Diane is probably wondering if she'll be dead and buried before a wedding occurs ), but it's the thought that counts, right?
We ought to make the wedding a fest to ensure plenty of attendance.
I'll be there with bells on :D
Bells? What kind and where?
You'll find out when you hear me a jinglin' and a janglin'
Ah you mean like at Christmas....oh wait you didn't make it for Christmas did you????