by Terry 93 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Terry

    The door to door work is a sham.

    The central activity of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is not spreading their so-called "messege" about the Kingdom of Jehovah established in the heavens in 1914. That's a load of propaganda.

    The door to door activity is feckless in producing converts. In fact, it is an immense failure of mammoth proportions!

    But, it is a diversion. It is a dodge to keep the rank and file busy. The "work" of preaching is a phoney pursuit designed to give the impression to the world at large that the religion is about evangelism. It is not about evangelism.

    The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is about real estate holdings, investments of monies and high octane movement of currencies laundered in the guise of religious activity.

    It is like the Roach Motel. The money checks in, but, in never checks out!!

    They don't pay their workers enough to keep a hobo alive. There is no retirement plan, no 401 K, no charities like hospitals or trauma centers or battered women's shelters for the money to be spent on. JW's don't build schools or colleges and don't even plough back money into the local community with social activity centers or reading programs for the illiterate! They are totally uncharitable and anti-social. Therefore the money that comes in from their publishing exploits and free distribution networks of gullible grunts at the local Kingdom Halls, is money that cannot be accounted for.

    Guess what? They are a religion; they DON'T HAVE TO ACCOUNT FOR A PENNY OF IT!!

    The Watchtower Society doesn't use public airwaves, broadcasting media, podcasts, Television, DVDs or any contemporary technology proven to be effective. Do you know why? THEY DON'T WANT THE MESSEGE UNDERSTOOD!!

    That's what I said.

    Ask 10 people you meet to tell you what they think Jehovah's Witnesses believe ...then, be ready for a big shock!!

    They just don't know!! Hardly a soul alive can give a coherent recounting of JW's beliefs. They only know the quirky "don'ts"

    That's right. The average John Q. Citizen can only tell you in vague terms what Jehovah's Witnesses DON'T DO or DON'T BELIEVE. They cannot begin to tell you what they DO believe!

    Mind you, this is after a veritible blitz of propaganda for over 100 years taken to the very doors of community after community, public talks in local Kingdom Halls and International Assemblies with considerable media coverage.

    Does this strike you as peculiar, strange and suspicious?

    Well it is on purpose!

    The preaching work is a sham and the religion is about money; hidden money; big money.

    The magazine articles are a front.

    Communism pretended to be about the welfare of the worker and the plight of the underprivileged. It wasn't. That was just window dressing to get the disaffected to become true believers and overturn the power structures for a takeover of the real power behind Communism: fascist dictators!

    The Watchtower is little different.

    Wake up, people. Shine a little light on what this religion is really about.

    Look at the facts and follow the money.

    Mainstream religion has to do something PUBLICLY with the money they raise like pay for air-time, pay for orphanages in Africa, pay for a new transmitter, pay for a new steeple or glass cathedral or theme park. Mainstream religion wears its charity on its sleeve. Mainstream religions build schools and colleges and hospitals with the money they receive and still have a fortune leftover to house the preacher in luxury and splendor!

    But, Jehovah's Witnesses present a public face deceptively out of touch with the real power brokers in Brooklyn that serves to deflect these questions about "where does the money go?" The JW who knocks on the local door is dressed in a Montgomery Ward suit and a scuffed pair of cheap shoes. They don't take collections at their Kingdom Halls. So, the public face is that of shabbiness and under achievement. Little do the folks know about the cash cow printing presses in New York, the investment portfolios and the stagnant accumulation of mountains of currency.

    Think about it.

    Think hard.

    The messege doesn't matter.

  • Abandoned

    Excellent overview Terry!

  • BabaYaga

    Interesting thoughts and theories, Terry, thank you.

    I must say it seems to me of all the JW folks I knew in my life, I can only think of one who actually came in from the door-to-door work. I have asked myself so many times... why do they do it? Your theory works too well.



    Terry..This is one of the better threads I`ve have read on this subject..I have often wondered who the WBT$ is a front for..You don`t just happen to own 50% of a multi-billion(Rand cam engine Corp.)company that is part of the War Machine...OUTLAW

  • Terry
    Terry..This is one of the better threads I`ve have read on this subject..I have often wondered who the WBT$ is a front for..You don`t just happen to own 50% of a multi-billion(Rand cam engine Corp.)company that is part of the War Machine...OUTLAW

    Think of Dick Cheney for a moment.

    To the untrained eye he was a successful businessman who gave up a multimillion dollar job with a vast Oil empire to devote himself to public service. As the vice-president he is privvy to decisions which affect the fortunes of his previous employer to the tune of billions! He has plausible deniability.

    Haliburton has its hands in every pie. Dick Cheney represented Haliburton before "detaching" himself and going into the vice-presidency. Haliburton has multibillion dollar contracts because of the war in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Is there an ulterior motive or is that just rampant left-wing paranoia?

    The prudent neutral person would have to ponder the situation long and hard, wouldn't they?

    Watchtower Bible & Tract Society owns their own printing presses, makes their own ink and paper and have free distribution of any/everything they print to all corners of the Earth. They charge money for their books, magazines, etc. They don't pay their distributors anything by way of wages/salary. Is this profitable? Doesn't matter because they are a tax-exempt religious organization that doesn't answer to public scrutiny.

    Is there an ulteror motive or is it just rampant apostate paranoia?

    The prudent neutral person would have to ponder the situation long and hard, wouldn't they?

  • Tigerman

    Once upon a time, in a land not too far away a Confidence was discovered.

    "Oh, what do we have here ? " cried a seer to his friends.

    "Why a most wonderful and clever device, don't you see?"

    "All we have to do is massage it a bit, and the world is ours, for you and me! "

  • vitty

    This is a really interesting post

    Shouldnt the WT be seriously investigated by some authority. How do they get away with everything, scandals, tax exemption and they manage to do all this by keeping 6 million people in the dark about their activities.

    I often wonder if a local paper campaign, would make a difference. If a letter sent to our own local papers explaining how the WT work to local people, then maybe the message would start getting through to the local witness

    Maybe a letter sent to your MP or county councilor ( Britain)...............I dont know what it is in the US.................surley someone would be interested in all that lost revenue the WT is exempt from paying to the goverment or local town council ?????

  • Stealth453

    Good call. I have been spouting the same things for years, but no one listens to an old fart like me.... Give 'em shit.

  • bernadette

    good post Terry.

    The poor oppressed ones the WBTS are defrauding are kept so busy slaving they don't see the truth.

    We need to keep on emphasising the point


  • Dismembered

    Greetings Terry,

    Once again you've hit a homerun. I concur 100%. You've defined that snake in the grass organization to a tee. Thanks for the post.


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