I am going to shock everyone by coming down on the side of Hillary_Step. I am also dubious that the WTS is controlled by the "mafia", the KKK, or AlQueida. I think they are a train wreck to happen, and under the misdirected control of their own delusions.
With one or two reservations, of course!
From what I have seen, indeed, most of the higher-ups fully believe the indoctrination. They are every bit as brainwashed as their janitor pioneers. For most of them, the big money is just a natural outcome of "doing the work of the lord". I think that by and large, they are much more overcome with their perceived power and position than with the amount of wealth they can get from the society.
However, there have been notable exceptions. I have seen amazing amounts of hypocrisy (practically up to the level of Jim and TammyFay) on the part of a number of the watchtower leaders. The obvious clear example was Rutherford. I will submit to you that Knorr was also such a "christian businessman". Who can forget the obvious "lifestyle challenged" Greenlees?
I find it hard to believe that such a cynical leadership is not fully aware of the vast amounts of money that they are building up.
I would also like to say that I find offensive the idea that Ray Franz (or any of the other dissenters of the 1980 era) "sold out" in any way, shape, or form. From what I knew of Ray and the others in those days, he was a decent and honest man who followed his true "conscience". I know for a fact that Ed Dunlap knew every bit as much of the inner workings of WTS as Ray, and he was sent packing with absolutely nothing in his old age - depending on his brother and others of us to help him rebuild life.
Sick bastards, yes. Controlled by the sinister Illuminati or some alien from the planet Zeno, no.
Just my own word on it,