Are you still scared of Jehovah?

by MsMcDucket 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • MsMcDucket

    I remember the Watchtower Organization having me so scared of Jehovah that I was getting paranoid. I kept thinking he was watching me no matter where I was at. I wouldn't dare say anything bad against the organization because Jehovah was listening to me. Even after I left that mind diseased place, I still had that feeling. Now, it's gradually going away.

    I think the notion of Jehovah striking you dead at any moment is just as bad as the thought of dying and going to a fiery place and suffering eternally.

  • Bodhisattva1320

    not afraid- i dont BeLIEve in Jehovah end of story. it takes a few years to decondition... then a few years to get over the anger.. then a few years to laugh at all of it... ;)

  • mrsjones5

    Nope. As I think about it I don't think I ever was and if I ever was I don't remember being so. Guess after being raised in it I had grown numb to the fear.

  • Atpeaceatlast

    No, not since the day during the closing of one prayer, "With undeserved kindness....," I saw Jehovah as a feeble old man still controlling his children after a lifetime of abuse and neglect. Jehovah became very small to me that day, and I have since prayed everyday for the true God of the Universe, at least that's how I view God now, to destroy that evil entity and finally give humanity some higher level of intellect to finally be a peaceful and loving race.

    The one thing that kept me in the JWs' clutches is gone; they and Jehovah's conduct drained me of any love for that God.

    No, I don't fear him at all.

  • dedpoet

    Not at all, I don't believe in him now anyway.

  • blondie

    Nothing is more frightening than living under the same roof with an abusive pedophile father....

    Also, I never bought into the doctrine that everyone but JWs were going to die forever at Armageddon...I was an "apostate" and didn't know it.


  • gumby
    Even after I left that mind diseased place, I still had that feeling. Now, it's gradually going away.

    What amazes me is how long it takes to disbelieve something you have come to realise is the witness mindset.

    I have come to see jehovah as fictional and a mean heartless asswipe to be honest. Just reading the O.T. about how this god slew millions of women, babies, young children, animals, and possesions......makes me as angry at him as I am at the organisation of Jehovahs Witnesses.

    "Jehovah hates this, Jehovah hates that, don't diplease Jehovah, Jehovah is vengeful, Jehovah is jealous" Frankly, Jehovah can kiss my arse.

    I believe in a creator......but my creator isn't Jehovah. Jehovah is the god of the Hebrews and of the bible whom the jews put together. I am actually an agnostic I guess.


  • MsMcDucket

    By the number of the responses to this post, I can tell that many people are even afraid to broach the subject. Scared to even see what is written. Now, that's mind control for you.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    It was like this for me in the RC church too - God sees everything and he's gonna punish you there was never any reward for doing good, that was just considered as a duty.

    There wasn't even the prospect of going straight to heaven when you died, it really seemed to me that everyone was going to spend eternity in purgatory!! Come to think of it, I don't think I ever heard mention of Heaven - that was only the abode of God, the angels and saints.

    Hmmm the 144000 saints in Heaven and all other Catholics in purgatory.....

    No wonder the prospect of a paradise earth was more appealing to me.

    But I'm free from all that fear now, I discovered God isn't half as bad as he's made out to be

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I never really believed that Jehovah was going to destroy everyone except JWs. I loved my family and friends and could see that they didn't deserve that. So no I am not afraid of Jehovah. I think the dubs dwell on the old testament view of God which is just people at that time trying to make sense out of their world. What is the difference between them and many other ancient civilizations attributing everything to their god or gods?

    The true creator is not evil, nor wishes to do us harm. What is the scripture that says for fear of death men have been kept in slavery all their lives? The society uses this fear in a very cruel way. I have heard people say that they were glad that their parent died before Armegeddon, so they would be resurrected. I would rather have my parent alive, instead. And one mother told me that after her daughter would be killed in Armegeddon for marrying out of the religion, Jehovah would make her forget she ever had that daughter. In my mind, they are willing to walk over the dead bodies of their loved ones to get to paradise themselves.

    So what people are really afraid of is death. They will do or believe anything to save themselves.

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