Are you still scared of Jehovah?

by MsMcDucket 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • the_classicist

    No I'm not scared and never was, but more scared of what JW people would think of me. I still have that feeling, though, sometimes.

  • luvbug2007

    I was more scared of the elders than Jehovah.

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    I too don't believe a word that the wittos preach but I can't help worrying that maybe they are right, or perhaps I'm gonna be struck down anytime soon. even before arma-gedding-(outta-here)

  • frankiespeakin

    No not anymore scared of him than Zeus, Appollo, Baal, or the flying spiggetti monster. I can even give him the finger, flash him a moon, with absolutely no worries of reprisals.

  • jaguarbass

    No, I'm not afraid no more. I dont think someone is watching us, everything we do. If anybody is watching us, it is we ourselves. I think we are probably god or spirits having a human experience.

  • diamondblue1974
    I think the notion of Jehovah striking you dead at any moment is just as bad as the thought of dying and going to a fiery place and suffering eternally.

    I had this out with my mother some years ago as she often compared JW doctrine to that of Catholicisms hell fire doctrine. She foolishly mentioned that JW doctrine was more loving.

    I asked her what the difference was between the hell fire doctrine and that of the JWs which allows a family member to live in the physical hell of being shunned by so called friends, and, then to be killed as part of a massive religious (ethnic) cleansing exercise; I also asked her which was worse.

    Funny how she couldnt answer?!


  • BabaYaga

    I love the headline of this thread.

    No, and I don't think I ever was. I feel like I ALWAYS had a good relationship with the great omnipotent Artist/Scientist/Magician in the sky, and I always realized that "he" was far, far more reasoning and loving than the organization ever gave "him" credit for. (The old testament gives him a pretty bad rap, too, truth be told!!!)

    Ultimately, that is why I left for good.


  • IP_SEC

    Does this answer your querstion?


  • MsMcDucket

    IP, you're, definitely, not scared of Jehovah. Were you ever afraid of him?

  • IP_SEC
    IP, you're, definitely, not scared of Jehovah. Were you ever afraid of him?

    huh? ya I was scared of getting destructificated at one time. Now Im not. Im betting on the idea that jehovah is really a p**sy with a limp di*k. Besides I have Vishnu on my side now and he is much tougher/cooler than jehovah ever thought of being.

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