As a foodservice facilty designer I had to make sure that the location and number of handwashing stations in restaurants, schools, etc. complied with the minimum requirements of the health code. The problem faced by the industry is COMPLIANCE. Several companies have invested big bucks inventing systems to track employee handwashing. One system required the worker to wear a sensor badge that recorded every time an employee entered the restroom and recorded when that employee used a handwashing station for at least 30 seconds. This was sent to a computer and became a part of the job performance record. These companies have all gone out of business. Great idea but doesn't work in real life.
Many people feel that if they don't get any poop on their hands when doing the paper work that they don't need to wash up. They never think about the person before them who wasn't careful and touched the TP dispenser, flush handle, stall door, bathroom door handle and then adjusted their clothes, touched their hair, face. YOU CANNOT WASH YOUR HANDS TOO OFTEN. Better to be accused of OCD than getting sick.