My Mom passed away today.

by Finally-Free 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    After all of the tragedy in her life and there she is smiling....Yes!!! Now I believe she will be not only smiling but laughing in heaven....Why do I believe that??? -Because she had LOVE!!!!! she was ordered by the WT to shun you but HER heavenly Father told her to LOVE!!!!She did!!!!Thank you for sharing her picture with us.She sounds as if her path on earth has been VERY PAINFUL!!Thank God her life in heaven will receive the promise >>>>NO pain! No tears! Keep her memory alive in all her Children, grand-children ....My sympathy to you Walter!!!!!

  • Uzzah


    My heart goes out to you. Your tribute to Margaret was very touching and it has always been obvious the deep love you have for her. Your mom was an amazing person. Her strength was intimidating at times to me as a young elder when conducting the bookstudy in your home. But she was always so genuinely kind to me, even laughing at my jokes. I don't think the congregation ever truly appreciated what a remarkable woman your mother was. But I do know she loved her Walter! I had a great deal of respect for her and some of her life story you told deepens that respect.

    I remember well the bond you had with your mom and can only imagine the pain and numbness you are going through. I lost my Dad three years ago February. It takes time. Don't be afraid to grieve as you need. Everyone goes through the grieving process in their own way. No way is right or wrong but do what you need to remember your mother but also take care of yourself.

    I am still just down the highway a bit if you want to meet, talk, and share a few memories. Keeping you in my thoughts.


  • Saoirse

    Thanks for sharing your story. Your mother sounds like a amazing and courageous woman. It's amazing that she went through so much pain and still was able to love as much as she did. I agree with Mouthy, I'm sure she is in a better place. You are lucky to have had someone so wonderful in your life.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you as you grieve.

  • Mary


    I'm so sorry for your loss. I thinks it's especially hard for us to lose our parents as we were told this would never happen. The tribute you did to her was beautiful. May she rest in peace.

  • BluesBrother

    Losing one's mother is a unique experience in life. I will not forget the feeling of being cast adrift when my own Mum went. Deepfelt condolences Walter. I am sorry for your loss. She was obviously a very special person with incredible courage

  • JH

    I'm so sorry (((Walter)))

    No one can replace a mom. Keep her in your heart forever, and remember the good times and memories you have of her.

    She will live again, I'm sure.

  • avidbiblereader

    Walter I am sorry for your loss, my mother too was a German war bride and left Germany and would never talk about the horrors she had seen. She likewise lost two brothers in the war and I believe that the Paradise is what made her turn to the Witnesss, I lost my mother 7 1/2 years ago and I too feel your pain. My heart and prayers are to you by brother, may you have peace.


  • carla

    My deepest sympathies.

  • Kaput

    My sincere condolences, Walter. Treasure your memories.

  • aquagirl

    walter,your tribute brought tears to my eyes..yer mum was lucky to have you..bless you...

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