My Mom passed away today.

by Finally-Free 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • Narkissos

    Heartfelt condolences (((((((((((((Walter)))))))))))))

    She never left you, and never will.

  • codeblue

    I am so sorry about your Mom

  • J-ex-W

    My condolences...what a wonderful tribute you've made to remember your mother! She would be pleased and proud.

  • startingover


    I can feel your pain, I experienced it when I lost both my folks earlier this year.
    A doctor said something that meant more than anything to me. He told me to have peace in my memories.

    May you have peace in yours.
    And give Rocco a rub on his bald spot for me.


    My condolences.... Thanks for sharing her picture...she looked like a very sweet person. I know you'll miss her!


  • BabaYaga

    So, so sorry for your loss, FinallyFree... but dear gods it sounds like you had a magnificent woman as your Mom. And thank heavens she didn't shun you. My precious parents showed their love for me after I left, too, and now I have lost both of them.

    Thank you for her story, also. I am just amazed.

    Hugs and strength to you.

  • Es

    my heartfelt condolences


  • Madame Quixote
    Madame Quixote

    ((((Walter)))) So sorry for your loss, and for the suffering because of the sadness of the past. Hope you can find some happy memories, too. Best wishes and healing to you and your family.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Dear Walter:

    I was very sorry to read about your Mother's passing. Your tribute to her was so heartfelt and compassionate, just as her dedication to her family was! She went through alot in her time on Earth, and even though she was a JW, I'm sure the promised New World provided her some measure of comfort and peace. She sounds like she was a very lovely and enduring lady, a Mother who loved her children more than the evil doctrine of shunning issued by a Godless man-made organization! Know you are in our thoughts and prayers, Walter. Your friends CG and husband.

    Mother's Love
    There are times when only a Mother's love
    Can understand our tears,
    Can soothe our disappointments
    And calm all of our fears.

    There are times when only a Mother's love
    Can share the joy we feel
    When something we have dreamed about
    Quite suddenly is real.

    There are times when only a Mother's faith
    Can help us on life's way
    And inspire in us the confidence
    We need from day to day.

    For a Mother's heart and a Mother's faith
    And a Mother's steadfast love
    Were fashioned by the Angels
    And sent from God above.

    Michael Olakunle Adesanya
  • shera

    Sorry for your loss FF ****hugs****

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