Should you tell them the truth—even if it kills them?

by The wanderer 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    Should you tell them the truth—even if it kills them?
    A family of witnesses that were good to me in the
    past was always strong in the “truth.” They pioneer-
    ed throughout their witness lives and it occurred to me
    whether or not to tell them the truth about the organization.

    Being up in years now

    This family has been in the “truth” for about 35 years now
    and it occurred to me that if they found out the true nature
    of the Watchtower Society it might literally prove to be
    fatal. (They are in their 70's).

    Would it be a good idea to let them know the true
    nature of the organization—even if it kills them?


    The Wanderer

  • dedpoet
    Would it be a good idea to let them know the true
    nature of the organization—even if it kills them?

    If they are that strong in their beliefs, I doubt they'd believe you anyway. They'd quite possibly see you as a bitter apostate who wasn't able to live up to the requirements of being a jw, and is now looking to damage the org.

    I think people have to come to their own realisation about the wts, and if they don't want to listen, nothing anyone says about it will have the slighteste effect on their faith. I'd let it be if I were you.


  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Don't you think that deep down inside ourselfs. Of all the Dubs that we knew when we where in the Org, whitch ones you could talk to about doubt's and the ones that we should not???

  • sammielee24

    Depending on their relationship with you and where you want it to go often sets the boundaries of how much you can say. I believe that there are small ways to infiltrate those minds and if you are lucky enough to be able to discuss some things that might open the door a crack, then I think it best to use it. That's just my opinion though because I happen to see the WTS as a destructive cult with a total abuse of power and I believe that apathy and complacence condone that continual abuse. sammieswife.

  • OnTheWayOut

    As much as I want my wife and mother to come out, then I would
    stop fading and just move on with life, I won't just tell them the
    truth- It wouldn't do much good. As stated above, they would
    view me as an apostate influenced by the debbil.

    Allowing them to come to their own conclusions doesn't mean
    that I won't influence them. I will straight out answer questions
    from them if they ask. I am continueing to reduce JW activity
    and they will ask, eventually. I have started a campaign of
    questioning my mother from my non-JW sister. The wife is
    always exposed to my thoughts.

    As far as helping some folks you know, but not in your family,
    I say it won't be very effective. If you happen to see them and
    they happen to ask, you could say that you no longer go to
    meetings and service, then let them decide how much they
    want to know. If you have really tight friends, you still should
    accept that they are cult victims, and will only allow so much
    apostate thinking from you before cutting them off.
    Tread lightly and wait for questions- my opinion.


    Wanderer..Your friends are in thier 70`s.Their whole life is there.Everyone they know is there.They are institutanalised..If a subject comes up you can comment..Other than that,leave it alone..Otherwise,most likely,they will die lonely and heartbroken..Or you will lose them as friends..Let them have thier illusion,enjoy thier friends and die happy...OUTLAW

  • OnTheWayOut
    That's just my opinion though because I happen to see the WTS as a destructive cult
    with a total abuse of power and I believe that apathy and complacence condone that
    continual abuse. sammieswife.

    Sammieswife (and Sammie), WOW.
    I love your comment. I am going to so look forward to the day
    I come out from under this fader blanket and meet like-minded people.
    Maybe you can be some of those people.

    For now, staying under the blanket. Great post.

  • SixofNine

    Even in old age, humans are at their best learning, staying vital, and having the freedom to let their love be expansive.

    There is not some strange class of humans out there who do better as JW's. I've yet to see a shred of evidence that ANYONE has ever been truly damaged (mentally or emotionally) by being given mental freedom.

    That said, at a certain very advanced age, it is doubtful that a person could replace their social structure, so I suppose there is reason for caution. OTOH, how many old JW's do you remember who were essentially abandoned by the congregation anyway?

  • Ténébreux

    Getting toward the end of my life and realizing I've wasted it or been swindled out of the best part is about the scariest thing I can think of. I wouldn't want to know unless I'm still young enough to do something about it.

  • OnTheWayOut

    SixofNine said:

    I've yet to see a shred of evidence that ANYONE has ever been truly damaged (mentally or emotionally)
    by being given mental freedom.

    That said, at a certain very advanced age, it is doubtful that a person could replace their social structure,
    so I suppose there is reason for caution. OTOH, how many old JW's do you remember who were essentially
    abandoned by the congregation anyway?

    I think we agree, just at differing degrees. I say that GIVING them mental freedom would be wonderful.
    I want to help my mother on her way out, she's mid sixties. Any life after the borg would be wonderful.

    There is reason for caution, though. Yes, many older ones are essentially abandoned by the congregation,
    but many depend on it for their social activity and reasons to stay active. I just reflect the opinion that
    Wanderer is not their son, just a caring JW that they know. They have been taught that JW's can become
    evil slaves (even if not of the anointed) and under Satan's influence- therefore there is only so much you can
    do. Close friends and family are much more available and can be influenced over time.

    Certainly with many exceptions, the most effective awakenings occur progressively, not suddenly. If he
    feels that they can be AWOKE (trademarked) then by all means, awaken them. Otherwise, just plant the
    seeds- allow some mention on a random occurance.

    I am not against a planned mini-intervention. Wanderer will know how much they can take, we just dish
    out free opinions.

    If it were me, I would want to know that it's not the truth, but I doubt some young whipper-snapper would
    be able to convince me at that stage in life. Still, if all they need is a push, you might be the one. You
    know better than us.

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