The Friday 28 issue of Washington Post had some very interesting information about documents found in one of the terrorist Hijackers luggage.
These documents give us a good insight into the minds of religious fanatics and their “thinking”. All of you other true believers, Christians and otherwise, can learn a lot of true faith from those documents. Not that I think you will learn anything though but one can always hope.
The similarities in language, the choice of words seem universal but of course the relation between the Bible and the Koran isn’t coincidental. Both books hold out the ultimate reward, life after death in a “paradise”. Though the concept of paradise differs, they basically sell the same product. If you believe hard enough and are faithful you will be “rewarded” by God. It has proved to be a great concept for a long time; no one has come back and complained yet.
From the “suicide” document:
"Everybody hates death, fears death," according to a translation of highlights of the document obtained by The Washington Post. "But only those, the believers who know the life after death and the reward after death, would be the ones who will be seeking death."A recurring theme is the promise of eternal life.
"Keep a very open mind, keep a very open heart of what you are to face," the document says. "You will be entering paradise. You will be entering the happiest life, everlasting life."
From the Watchtower and the Bible:
*** w99 3/1 21 Jehovah's Blessing on Our "Land" ***
After the 144,000 have all received their heavenly reward, the benefits stemming from their priestly service as corulers with Christ will extend into the future, ultimately leading to the complete conquest of Adamic death.—Revelation 5:9, 10; 21:2-4.*** w98 7/1 11 How Strong Is Your Belief in the Resurrection? ***
17 After all, how could God reward those who proved to be “faithful even to death” if he did not bring them back to life?
The Watchtower and many other Christians have a very high regard for Abraham who was willing to obey God to the point that he would kill his precious son Isaac. The hijackers proved themselves to be worthy of Abrahams example, they didn’t kill their son but they killed themselves and many “enemies” in obedience to what they saw as God’s command. Being faithful is the name of the game for a true believer.
From the “suicide” document:
"Remind yourself that in this night you will face many challenges. But you have to face them and understand it 100 percent. . . . Obey God, his messenger, and don't fight among yourself where you become weak, and stand fast, God will stand with those who stood fast."
From the Watchtower and the Bible:
*** w93 7/15 17 Respond to God's Promises by Exercising Faith ***
Our faith will also move us to obey God, even as Abraham did.*** w99 8/1 21 Show Honor to Others ***
On the other hand, the upright ones who do honor and obey God and Christ “are the ones that will reside in the earth.”—Proverbs 2:21, 22.*** w98 4/15 8 What Will Your Future Be? ***
To obey God means life, to disobey him means death.—Romans 6:23.*** w98 7/15 29 Do You Have "an Obedient Heart"? ***
Surely, we should obey God. After all, Jehovah is our Grand Creator.*** w97 5/15 21 Honesty-By Chance or by Choice? ***
He placed before them two clear choices. They could obey God’s commandments and receive his blessing or reject them and reap the bitter fruitage of sin.*** w96 11/1 7 Look to Jehovah for Comfort ***
4 What Adam and Eve did need, however, was to cultivate a deep love and appreciation for their kind heavenly Father. Such love would have motivated them to obey God under all circumstances.*** w95 1/15 16 Serve Jehovah With Joy of Heart ***
Let us therefore obey God and enjoy his favor. Joy is one of the many divine blessings experienced by the godly.
After such a display of true faith and religious devotion, all religions and in particular representatives of the Christian and Muslim faith hasten to assure everyone that such a actions has got nothing to do with Islam etc. All I can say is yeah, right! Isn’t strange that some of the worst bloodbaths and terrible atrocities have been carried out by both Christians and Muslims but miraculously these actions NEVER have anything to do with their respective religions? How long are they going to play that worn out record? In century after century, generation after generation these religions have kept on hammering superstition and the most confused and insane ideas into innocent children and in some cases these children has grown into people who committed the horrible deed in NY and Washington. The foundation was laid from childhood when they were lead into the world of superstition with fantasies about God and some paradise. Just take a look at another product of this fantasy, prayer:
From the “suicide” document:
"You should pray, you should fast. You should ask God for guidance, you should ask God for help. . . . Continue to pray throughout this night. Continue to recite the Koran."It continues: "Purify your heart and clean it from all earthly matters. The time of fun and waste has gone. The time of judgment has arrived. Hence we need to utilize those few hours to ask God for forgiveness. You have to be convinced that those few hours that are left you in your life are very few. From there you will begin to live the happy life, the infinite paradise. Be optimistic. The prophet was always optimistic."
Here we have one of the most insane phenomenons of religious “reasoning” in full flight.
These men spent the night praying to their imaginary God and as it turned out their prayers was really answered, their “act of faith” was a thundering success. In the mean time the God the Christian America spend so much time praying to, seemed to have been either sleeping or totally uninterested, or simply cooperating with the Muslim God.
After this horrible event was a fact Christians keep on praying to this completely indifferent God for “help” with all kinds of things, a God who has yet again demonstrated his complete inability to help anyone with anything. How completely stupid can you get?
How completely without any ability to reason do you have to be to be a true believer?