What I Learned at the at the 2 Day Assembly...

by becca1 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • becca1

    1- "Jehovah does not want us to be rich". Other religions teach that God helps us to become prosperous. Jehovah does not do that. The CO

    2- 0% of our young ones who go to college remain witnesses. The DO said he was told this by fellow DO's at a DO meeting.

    3- We do not contribute enough to the World Wide Work. Example: If you are going to put something in the contribution box and you look in your wallet and have a five dollar bill and a twenty dollar bill, what will you do? You may think the twenty is a fortune and put in the five. Then you go to Wallmart and see a new DVD for 18.95 and you pull out that twenty and purchase the DVD. "But we are not milking you for money". The DO

    4- We take too many nice vacations. Years ago a couple would take a nice trip or cruise to celebrate their 25th anniversarry and it would be a big treat. Today it's no big deal because we are "always" going on nice trips. The DO said this after talking about contributions.

    5- If you do not dress modestly you will not survive Armaggedon. The CO.

    I am so encouraged!!!!

  • mavie

    I went to college, guess what...

    Although it wasn't college that made me leave.

  • penny2
    0% of our young ones who go to college remain witnesses

    Let's hope many more of the young ones go to college!!


  • juni

    Same old crap - a different year- that's all.

    So many people are just trying to have the necessities for their families and themselves. How dare them! The old guilt trip thrown on people. Oh yes, all of the churches promote "thyself". Give me a break!


  • JH

    Some followed the CO's advice and ended up on welfare.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Nothing new under the sun.......

    That co sounds like a total jerk

  • heathen

    Wow that's some real bonified spiritual food there . Now if they just stopped paying for medical research instead of applying the monies given for the preaching for actually preaching then they might not be in the red .................... it's like next they will ask for a copy of your w4 so they can determine if you gave enough and if not you will be df'd or something .

  • Stephanus

    1- "Jehovah does not want us to be rich". Other religions teach that God helps us to become prosperous. Jehovah does not do that. The CO

    For a cult so hung up on Old versus New Testament scripture, it's surprising they'd conclude that - hasn't he read Proverbs?

  • OnTheWayOut

    I must fall asleep during these assemblies. I don't remember the commands
    being so clear, they were hinted at, but not so clear.

    4- We take too many nice vacations.

    I love my vacations. JW's were starting to talk about Mr. & Mrs. OnTheWayOut.

  • BabaYaga

    "2- 0% of our young ones who go to college remain witnesses. The DO said he was told this by fellow DO's at a DO meeting."

    Good gods, what bozos, I love how they pull statistics out of their @$$e$. On the other hand it would be great if it were true.

    You know, I always thought there was something terribly wrong with a "Truth" that could be dissolved instead of strengthened by learning as much as one could about everything!!!!???

    Cheers, Happy New Year, thanks for sharing, and sorry you had to sit through a 2 day assembly!

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