WHO'S 40 OR NEARLY 40!!!!!

by bubble 80 Replies latest jw friends

  • bubble

    Thanks for your replies everybody. I'm sure the day will come and go without a hitch, but I want to make the most of the build up to soften the blow!

    I actually don't feel any older than I did when I was 21. It's funny that mentally you don't really age but physically you do.

    Never mind, can't do anything about it anyhow.

  • mrsjones5

    I'm 41. Don't worry girl the 40's are now the new 30's or is the 20's? lol

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    I'm 41. Don't worry girl the 40's are now the new 30's or is the 20's? lol

    Wifey and I spent some time with MrsJones and family yesterday. Part of our conversation after we left was regarding age. We both thought you looked early 30's, Josie. BTW, it was a good day all in all. We got to have a nice visit with you and the family, then we went and watched the Colts win. Wifey and I raise our three Grand-Munchkins, and we are frequently mistaken as Mom and Dad by observers. I am 51 and Wifey is 49. In part, though I can rarely credit the borg with much good, we owe that to a lifestyle that promotes no smoking, little drinking, no drugs, etc. Jeff

  • lovelylil

    Hi Bubble,

    Just 2 more years to go! I am looking forward to my 40's. I think 40's is the new 30's today. People are living longer and healthier lives. My 30's so far have been great and I think you are right about having the wisdom to leave the borg due to age. I finally decided it was time to take control of my own life. I was not happy and could "see" past all the false, illogical teachings of the WT and just woke up one day and realized I am almost middle aged and am not enjoying my life as a Witness at all. This was the start of questioning everything and the more I questioned the more I saw wrong. Also, I saw no future happiness in it so I finally left. My hubby and I both said we were young and dumb as 20's somethings to even buy into the WT's ideas and would never in a minute fall for it in our 30's. We are more wiser now and question everything. Looking forward to more new "wisdom" when I reach 40. Lilly

  • Bryan

    60 is the new 40. I'm 42 and enjoy chasing my 20 month old son around on the floor. I also a few aches and pains that have crept up. But I don't feel old at all. At the very most, I'm only half way through my life and I spent my first 30 yearsnlearning about life... now I'm living it.


  • purplesofa

    I was not too fond of hitting my forties.............but now heading towards 50, my forties have seen the most growth, insight, inner search.........and honesty I had in all my other years.

    We have to stay young mentally to make up for growing older physically.


  • frozen one
    frozen one

    Forty is not the new 30. I happened to be watching Oprah (I was at home nursing a cold) and heard Oprah declare, "Forty is the new 25."

    I'm in my 40's and I believe firmly in growing old disgracefully.

  • Confession

    40 here! Doing great, working out regularly, enjoying my new Arizona home, my 19 year old daughter with me for awhile longer, relieved I am free of the WTS.


  • Woodsman

    I'll be 42 in days. I can't keep up with my nephew when mountain biking but other than that the forties are fine. My acne is finally subsiding and I have reached a maturity level in the double digits. Work out and eat right and your body won't know your age.

  • JWdaughter

    I am 40.5, and the numbers weird me out a little, but it isn't so strange. I have changed a lot just from when I turned 40. It has been the year I decided that religion and I don't work well together. The year that I got strong enough to let my beloved son know that I wasn't going to take nonsense from him anymore (he moved out, but we get along MUCH better now). It is the year that I was asked to go back to a job that needed me (that felt good) but also the year that i realized I wanted more from a job than that. I realized I DON'T want any more kids-I am no longer regretting the ebbing of my fertility, but rather running towards it with open arms. I will have my book finished before I am 41. I have maybe another 40 years, but I think I have learned SO much from the first 40 that I will waste a lot less time from here on out.

    Happy Birthday!

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