Dearest 'sawthelight'... may you have peace... and may I ask:
If you have TRULY seen 'the light', why is the 'Bible' still of such import to you? Let me elaborate, if you will, please:
The TRUE 'light', my Lord and Master, JahEshua (JAH Saves) MischaJah (chosen/anointed of JAH), who is known to you and many others as "Jesus" (Greek: Ieosus - Hebrew: JahShua) "Christ" (Greek: Kristos - Hebrew: MischaJah) attempted to make a point to his 'disciples' which I have found still holds true today. At John 5:39, 40 he said, of the SCRIPTURES (which, by the way is NOT the "Bible"):
"You are searching the SCRIPTURES...
because you THINK...
that by means of THEM...
you will have life.
And these (the 'scriptures')...
are the VERY ones...
that bear witness... ABOUT ME...
and yet...
TO ME...
that you may have life."
Please note that at the time he said this, NONE of the writings under the New Covenant had been penned. So, what was his point? That in and of themselves, the scriptures cannot 'give' you life. Because they do not HOLD life in themselves; they are NOT the 'source' of life. Who or what IS that 'source'? None other than the One given 'authority' to GRANT life, the Son of JAH OF ARMIES who IS the Most Holy One of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, His Christ and my Lord... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. And it is to HIM that we must go... for life. That is why he SAID:
"Come to ME... all you who are toiling and loaded down...
and I will refresh you."
... and...
"If anyone is thirsting... let him come... to ME..."
John 7:37, 38
Matthew 11:28
It is why he told the Samaritan woman at the well... NOT "read your bible" or "search the scriptures", but "if you knew who it was that said, 'Give me a drink'... you would haved asked HIM and HE would have given YOU... 'living water'."
Contrary to the false teaching of the WTBTS, we, too, do not hold life 'within ourselves'. How so? Because the WTBTS, in its endeavor to 'shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men,' have shut up the WAY... the TRUTH... and the LIFE... by placing THEMSELVES in the 'seat of Moses'. They do this by calling THEMSELVES 'the truth', when in fact, there is only ONE "Truth".
In line with what is stated at John 5:39, 40, my Lord has granted me to point you to the following and I exhort you to read the former as well as these and 'get the sense' of them:
John 8:12
John 6:48-56 (and please... pay CLOSE attention to verses 48, 51, 53 and 56)
John 14:6
Neither the WTBTS or the Bible is the 'truth'... nor are either of them God's 'word'. For indeed, my Father has but ONE 'word', the One HE calls His 'Word' and has designated to speak on His behalf to mankind.
Revelation 19:13
John 1:9
John 1:1
Hebrews 12:25
Proverbs 8:4-11
And is only THAT One who can give us 'life's water'... LIVING 'water'... the 'water' that 'bubbles up IN us... to 'impart' everlasting life'. That 'water', dear one... is HOLY SPIRIT. And that 'water' is NOT offered only to a small group, it is offered to ANY who are 'wishing' and 'thirsting' and 'hearing'.
The Bible is not 'scripture', dear one. 'Scripture'... is Moses, Psalms, the Prophets... and the Revelation. They are the ONLY writings of the Bible canon that were 'inspired', in that they are the ONLY books where the writer was TOLD to write. The Acts of the Apostles and the gospel according to Luke themselves even attest to the fact that they were NOT 'inspired', as evidenced by Luke's OWN assertion that they were written at the behest of a NON-christian, Theophilus, a Roman ruler who wished to ascertain what was occuring between the Jews and christians. Luke got his information NOT from God, which would render it to be 'inspired'... or "God-breathed" (from the MOUTH of God), but from 'eyewitnesses'. PEOPLE told Luke, not God.
But also contrary to the false teachings of the WTBTS, people are STILL 'inspired' today, and are STILL being called by God, through Christ, to be 'anointed' with holy spirit: Israel AND the nations, the 'little flock' as WELL as the 'great crowd'. BOTH groups are seen by John 'standing BEFORE the throne,' and the second group, the great crowd, are ALSO seen 'rendering sacred service'... in God's temple. ONLY priests can render such service, dear one.
But in trying to get you and others to adhere to a 'law' that was impaled with my Lord, the WTBTS and 'religion' in general have taught you to put your trust in the 'stone tablets' and the law 'written in delible ink', rather than allowing the NEW 'law'... to be written on your heart. You have been 'misled', which is the very PURPOSE of the WTBTS and 'religion' in general, to 'mislead, IF possible, even the chosen ones.'
You do not have to continue in this way, however. You... like any other of earthling man... CAN 'hear' the invitation of my Lord to HIS 'sheep'... to hear HIM... and follow HIM... and NOT 'listen to the voice of strangers.' For he SPEAKS to us, dear one, from the heavens... through holy spirit. All you need do is ASK for such spirit... and ask in faith.
John 10:1-6, 27
Hebrews 12:25
James 1:5-8
Luke 11:13
You may ask, if the "Bible" is of no import, why then have I cited so many verses for you here? Because, dear one, the written law is merely a 'tutor'... a means to LEARN about the One appointed by God, until such time as one can walk by SPIRIT... and not by flesh... so as to HEAR that One... when he speaks to us BY spirit. For he IS a spirit, and so it is to the SPIRITUAL man that he speaks, and not to the fleshly one. And so, it is to YOUR SPIRIT that I am now speaking, by means of the spirit of my Father, holy spirit, granted me by my Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:44
1 Corinthians 2:6-18
It is therefore, my SINCEREST wish that you, too, 'hear' what the Spirit says, in what I have shared thus far, and when I extend to you, by means of holy spirit, the invitation granted to ALL of mankind who are 'wishing', 'thirsting' and 'hearing'... to:
"Come! Take 'life's water' free!"
Contrary to what you may have been falsely taught, dear one, that invitation is STILL open to any who willingly 'receive' it. As the verse says, "The Spirit... and the Bride... KEEP SAYING... 'Come'!" And no matter WHAT the WTBTS says, that invitation has NOT ended, for the 'door' has NOT been 'shut', nor will it EVER be, except by decree of my Father, the Holy One of Israel, JAH OF ARMIES. For it is into HIS 'ark'... HIS covenant... that such are invited to 'come'. And it is by HIS 'mediator', my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, that the invitation is issued. It is NOT up the WTBTS to decide for them when such invitation 'appears' to have ceased. The Spirit and the Bride KEEP saying 'come'.
Again, I bid you peace... and I am,
YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL of the Household of God, Israel, and a slave of Christ, by means of a TRUE anointing with holy spirit,