Ongoing 'Don't shun me' campaign.

by AK - Jeff 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • steve2

    Hello AK Jeff,

    Like you, I've been in business-related situations in which the JWs have withheld even basic good manners, so I have a lot of understanding and compassion for your experience. However, while I think your letter to the employer told it like it is from a customer's perspective, your letter to the BOE has a thinly veiled threatening and even intimidating tone to it that I think will possibly undermine the very humane points you are making about basic good manners in business situations. Again, I get where you are coming from, but in my view, your approach is possibly too full-on. I may be treading where I'm not welcome to tread, so if anything I say offends you, I am sorry because that is not my intention. I'd be interested in what others think, and, of course, interested in your response.

  • kls
    Jesus even loved a condemned evildoer on the cross next to him.

    You used the word CROSS That i am sure will get their attention

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    jeff: your doing really good. i've learned that the thing jw's are scared the most of. is someone that stands up to them. and even better you know the lingo. and use it against them . it makes them BURN !!!!!!!!! YOUR LETTER HITS all the right spots. and kicks them for being IDOLIZERS. soon you will be well respected. by the elders etc. just by your outspoken ness. they will shit bricks . every time they see you. trust me i know. keep the pedel to the metal on them. it works. john

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Just thought I would post the 'Follow up' to this matter for those interested;

    The 'original sin' was committed in the first week of January. I sent the letter that week that appears at the start of this thread, then a few days later the one to the BOE putting them on notice.

    I have not heard from the elders at all - in fact the pharisee elder to whom the KH mail goes might have just tossed it - who knows. I did not hear from Kevin's employer either for a long time - so I went online, found the corporate site, and sent a copy to them with complaint that I had been ignored for nearly two months.

    Boy did they get back to me. The manager of the story called several times while I was at work, then finally called in the evening when I was home a few weeks back now. He apologized prolifically for about half an hour and promised that Kevin had been 'reprimanded' and that such a thing would 'never happen again' under his watch. I thanked him.

    Last week Wifey was in the store [she is not DA'd officially] and Kevin not only spoke with her civily, but walked up to her and carried on a short conversation. I was not sure that he would not have done so anyway in her case, since she is technically not the evil apostate in the family.

    This morning I put the matter to the test myself. I went in the store, and heard Kevin speaking to someone in the meat area of the grocery. I made an intentional b-line to his location. When I came around the corner, his hand came up in a wave toward me, and I mean with alacrity, though he did not speak due to being already engaged in conversation. He made it absolutely clear that he was greeting me specifically. Though he looked less than pleased with the need to do so.

    I must say, I kind of giggled under my breath all the way to the checkout.

    Just thought I would update you folks.


  • R6Laser

    Wow you sound like a jerk! Not only with your letter but the way it was written. If this would've happen to me, be certain that I would've not give a damn to what my boss said and the next time you stepped on the store I would call you out for it and let you have it. I'm pretty sure I could explain to my boss how much anger you have towards me and the religion that this has cause you to act bitter toward every JW. Which, judging by the letter you wrote it seems true. All this because you didn't get greeted! Damn, I take that back, you're not a jerk, your an asshole.

  • Mary
    R6Laser said: If this would've happen to me, be certain that I would've not give a damn to what my boss said and the next time you stepped on the store I would call you out for it and let you have it. I'm pretty sure I could explain to my boss how much anger you have towards me and the religion that this has cause you to act bitter toward every JW............Damn, I take that back, you're not a jerk, your an asshole.

    R6, quit talking like a fool. Your boss would look at you as though you were certifiable if you were to 'explain' your lousy treatment of a customer was based on the fact that he didn't believe the same way you did anymore. And if you think your boss would take your side, you should really go see the Wizard about getting a brain, because you'd be getting the pink slip if you continued to try and treat a paying customer like dirt.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    R6Laser - Just what the hell did I do to you? Nonetheless I will not return in kind, as I grew up long ago.


  • Finally-Free
    Wow you sound like a jerk! Not only with your letter but the way it was written. If this would've happen to me, be certain that I would've not give a damn to what my boss said and the next time you stepped on the store I would call you out for it and let you have it. I'm pretty sure I could explain to my boss how much anger you have towards me and the religion that this has cause you to act bitter toward every JW. Which, judging by the letter you wrote it seems true. All this because you didn't get greeted! Damn, I take that back, you're not a jerk, your an asshole.

    Don't you have some watchtowers to peddle somewhere, ass phlegm? W

  • carla

    R6: Yes, Boss you wanted to see me?

    Boss: Yes, we have had a report that you are singling out a certain longtime customer and treating him rudely because he left your 'church'?

    R6: Absolutely Boss!!! That asshole had the audacity to leave my fine Kingdom Hall and furthermore he no longer believes what I do!! Can you believe that??!!

    Boss: Let me get this staight- you don't like this fellow because he believes differently than you and once he believed just as you do today? So now you are persecuting him for this and feel justified in doing so? You understand there are laws against this? And you are putting my business at risk?

    R6: I am justified in doing so, I will bring you a book to show why.

    Boss: No, I don't care for any of your books and you behavior will change immediatly or you may find yourself in the unemployment line.

    R6 walks away mumbling to himself, 'why should I care? they are all just bird seed anyway. And after the big A I'm going to be living in your house bossman!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff


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