Should have said excuse the language but am only quoting R6.
Ongoing 'Don't shun me' campaign.
by AK - Jeff 52 Replies latest jw experiences
Good for you AK-Jeff!!
-And R6laser:
How outrageous, unprofessional and unacceptable that an employee would refuse to greet a customer because the customer no longer believes in the religion of the employee. That employee definitely needs a lesson on what it means to be professional. Religious discrimination has absolutely no place in a 21st century workplace.
I let everyone who asks about my JW past know that JWs will, in a most unChristian way, completely shun a lifelong friend merely because s/he no longer believes the lies put out by this group of 12 men who dictate the actions and beliefs of all Witnesses everywhere, even if those beliefs outright contradict the bible.
The actions of Witnesses that act in the manner of the employee and shun those who choose to follow a Christian path or any other caring and productive path for that matter is childish and is against everything that Jesus stood for. If Jesus were here in front of you and the others that have the unloving attitude and actions of the JW mindset, He would be most ASHAMED of you.
-K -
I think R6laser forgot his meds this morning.