"Jehovah Has Become King", video by Robert King

by frankiespeakin 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • new boy
    new boy

    Hay .....................Prolog2................both types are crazy.................Great post by the way.....


    hillary_step..Thats just priceless..You have summerised You Know down to a T.."A Dr.Frankinstine,I am a Rubber Plant sort of way"..????..LOL!!..You Know is briliant and retarted all in the same breath..He would be the one to make a fortune in the stock market and spend it on his insane rantings..Go figure...OUTLAW

  • new boy
    new boy

    Remember Rudolph Hess......................The Nazis who thought Hilter was crazy.........but still believed in the Nazis Party.

  • sf

    The Watchtower Society and Jehovah’s Witnesses Proclaim Deliverance is at Hand

    Published on: March 18th, 2006 12:07am by:watchman

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    London, UK (OPENPRESS) March 18, 2006 -- It is RobertKing’s belief that Jehovah’s Witnesses in modern times have served a purpose similar to that of the ancient nation of Judah, in so far as Jehovah God has evidently bestowed his personal name upon the organization in order to make his name known to the nations. To a remarkable extent Jehovah’s Witnesses have accomplished that – publicizing God’s name and purpose in hundreds of languages around the world.

    However, bearing the name of God before the world brings with it great accountability before the Bearer of that name. In numerous essays on http://e-watchman.com King makes the case that just as Judah was ultimately destroyed because of their bringing reproach upon the sacred name of God, so too, the Watchtower Society has brought the name of Jehovah into disrepute in various ways and must therefore suffer the unpleasant consequences of their error.

    The agency by which Jehovah brought punishment upon the wayward Jews in the days of Jeremiah was by means of the Babylonian Empire. The modern organization connected to the name of Jehovah must suffer a similar fate at the hands of the soon-emerging 8th empire of Bible prophecy.

    In his most recent essay, “Deliverance at Hand,” King takes note of the uncanny parallel between the attitudes expressed by the Jewish leaders in the 7th chapter of Jeremiah with that of the leadership of Jehovah’s Witnesses today. Just as the Jewish establishment presumed they would be delivered from their enemies and that Jehovah would never allow his temple to be destroyed, Jehovah’s Witnesses make similar assumptions concerning that which is deemed to be Jehovah’s spiritual temple today.

    Of course, the end result for Judah was that Solomon's temple was razed to the ground and the survivng Jews were dragged off to Babylon in chains. Jesus forecasted a similar desolation for a holy place during the conclusion of the sytem of things, now looming.

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  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    He has part of it right - God will judge these hypocrites in Brooklyn.

    I think he believes he will then be lifted up and glorified as Robert THE King, or something. He is taking his realization that the Jw's are not God's people to a weird direction. He is definately courting xjws.

    I hope and pray the guy can just get off his high-horse, and realize like the rest of us did, that he had been sucked into a cult, instead of seeking to suck others into a new one.



    AK-Jeff..I don`t know how well you know,"You Know"..Trust me,he is equall parts arrogant and insane...OUTLAW

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    AK-Jeff..I don`t know how well you know,"You Know"..Trust me,he is equall parts arrogant and insane...OUTLAW

    I'll buy that. The guy lives in Michigan I think. Maybe I should drive up there and meet him sometime. It's real easy to tell a nutjob at close range. On second thought no! I would hate to puke on him. Jeff


    He could give you some good stock tips..Dr.Frankinstine/I am a RubberPlant..Not to be confussed with Robert Plant..LOL!! OUTLAW

  • becca1

    I have no intention of watching his video. Like I've said on here before, I think Robert King is nuts! He has delusions of grandeur. He is a GB member wannabe.

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    I really felt like I had stumbled into a public talk at the hall. He starts out talking about every bad thing he can think of in the world. He uses loaded language. And then he equates himself with a prophet. He definately has got a problem thinking God is using him to predict things. And then he has the audacity to ask for money. Which of these things seperates him from the Watchtower Society, that he condemns?

    It gave me that sense of doom that I used to get at the hall when they would go on and on about the horrors of the world. I had forgotten how panicked that used to make me feel. Now I remember why I couldn't tolerate it anymore.

    If I want to listen to a religious message, I want to come away feeling encouraged and looking forward to the future, not scared to death. The same old scare them into submission tactics that so many religions use. Definately not for me.

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