The CO visit during those meetings you guys go to.
hey expioneers and exelders what goes on during......
by 5go 40 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I was a pioneer/ms. Seriously those meetings are just more boring drivel. Blah blah blah, brothers we know how hard it is for you, blah blah blah, keep up the good work, blah blah blah you guys are so great and this scripture here [read misapplied scripture] was TALKING ABOUT YOU!!! YOU were prophesied about here in Isaiah. Blah blah blah.
Nothing to envy but they look like "special treatment" and the other publishers envy it. -
depending on the CO, they like to look at the territory cards and then scold you if you are not covering it all properly. if you have Chin as your CO, he spends most of his time telling the sisters that they are 1) lazy 2) unattractive 3) dumb. Fun, fun, fun
Wasanelder Once
For Pioneers its basically its all about "Go team, Go!". Its just a more advanced sales meeting. A discussion led by the CO and then pep talk. Whoopie.
For elders its an outlined program on the latest rant of the society for the body of elders, scriptural theme, question and answer... you know the drill. That's all any meeting is with these guys. When he's done with his little thingy, he goes over the congregation stats, followed by a discussion of the reccomendations made by the body. That's when the fur can fly. Generally its a yes man session with little dissent. He rubberstamps everything and off we go.
Boring as hell because no real issues were ever discussed. That happens when an elder gets his ear aside from the other elders. Sometimes things brought up privately are addressed at the elders meeting, but not often in my experience. I'm sure other elders had knock down dragged out fights when he was visiting. We had a bunch of yes men. I'm curious to hear what others have to say. Thanks for asking.
Honestly I didn't envy you guys, I was always curisous why they made them exclusive.
Thank You guys for leaving the wtb$ or atleast posting here.
listen a lot of pioneers tried to get out of it if possible because it was pretty much the same stuff. we all have lives and when the CO came in town there was a lot of pressure for the elders and the pioneers to all be present for that week. that was tough because of having to take off work for something you really did not want to do in the first place.
Having been on both sides of it I can tell ya that it's just a pep talk. There's really nothing that you wouldn't find in a Service Meeting.
As has already been commented upon, it does seem to inspire an air of exclusivity. The Pioneer and Elders' Schools achieve something similar, making the rank and file feel like there's something special about those that attend (even if its just a subconscious thing). It sets up a class system in an organisation that is allegedly classless
The pioneer meeting? I can't even remember anymore. I remember pioneer school. It seems like it was just a lot of encouragment to keep life simple so you could handle pioneering without distraction. I think we went over ways to respond to conversation stoppers too.
LOL! I remember the last circuit brother visit while I was still a pioneer. A couple weeks before I went and bought a pack of cigarettes in the middle of the night. I drove to the other side of town to do that, although being a pioneer, they knew me at both congregations. Anyway, I was amazed to find out that cigarettes were over two bucks a back (in texas in '92). Well, I "was privileged" with going out in service with the co the thursday of his visit and somehow the price of cigarettes came up. One of the brothers mentioned that more people would be quitting smoking because they are now so expensive. I piped in from the back seat, "Yeah, they are over two bucks a pack. I couldn't believe it when..." OOPS!
The when they break out the massive huka and have an orgy. It's relly not a pretty sight.