I was trying so hard to remember what went on in the meetings. I do remember at least one CO getting us to get "down and dirty" about what problems we may have had amongst ourselves. We had one pioneer who made it very difficult for all of us. She seemed to deeply resent anyone who was pioneering other than herself. She had been the lone pioneer for a couple of years and it really threw her the year I started, because there were 10 of us that year. We all talked about her and he handled it right then and there and talked straight to her.
We felt better, but after he left, she got worse and went by herself most of the time. She is in her 70's now and still pioneering, and still making things difficult, according to my JW friend. They never do anything about her either.
The CO's would talk about our time, and how we made our schedule and if we had trouble keeping it, and getting our time in. They usually had suggestions for us for our problems. Always, the goal was for us to keep pioneering, no matter what.
There also were reminders for the sisters to remember they were to let the brother pioneers take the lead, even if we had much more experience and he was 18. That was the case too. We all did it, but it was hard. I had sons older than the teenaged male pioneers, who would actually listen to me and do what I said, but I had to keep my mouth shut with those guys and be a wise sister, let them call the shots.
Pioneer school was just fast-paced, getting through the material in the book, with some discussion. A disappointment really.