by Lady Liberty 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • zensim

    Lady Liberty thank you so much for that - although I have to admit my eyes still glazed over, just as they used to at the kh. Which makes me think that I was one of those worst ones who didn't even know why I thought it was the truth, just believed it 'cos I was told to.

    I could think of lots of q's to ask now about doctrinal stuff and I am fascinated and impressed that you guys know so much stuff, before and after.

    For me it was more a following of the heart. I couldn't shun my father when he was df'd (still is) and just found the judgment, hypocrisy and self-righteousness too much. The only doctrinal thing that did it for me was the blood issue, I looked into that more deeply through necessity when I found out I was RHnegative with my first pregnancy. A few years later when they started to bring in a lot more changes it really bothered me.

    Thanks again, I appreciate all the work you guys put in to research.

  • lisavegas420

    Great story. Somehow I still think the GROWN man need's his ass kicked.


  • searching4truth
    Definitely an experience for Anti-Watchtower. Acutally we should really start publishing something like that

    I would go door to door with that.

  • geevee

    Thanks for sharing your story and the article on the catacombs as well as the simple but effective chart on 607. I had a guy who studied years ago bring this up. The SDA's had called on him and he mentioned he was studying with JW's.
    The guy raised the 607 thing. The study went to the library, got out some books and couldn't find 607 any where. So he asked me. He said if it is such an important date, I should be able to prove it fairly quickly. I couldn't.
    I took a most studiuos guy back with me, he ahd done his wts research, and thought we would hit this guy with both barrels....alas we couldn't. I took two other people and still no proof, we couldnt convince him.

    Were my alarm bells ringing? NO....... blinkers on solid. I said to him, that where history is different to the bible, I have to stick with the bible and it is solid on 607!!!!!! What a d--- h--d [me].

  • SixofNine

    Hey, ya made me cry, if it's any consolation. I love to hear this.

  • mrsjones5

    Wowie wow wow, I just read it, your husband rocks Lady. I'm glad that guy came over to apologize. That put a smile on my face.

  • jayhawk1

    Wow, that's something to get an apology from the guy and to have such a long conversation.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear searching4truth,

    I understand where you are coming from believe me. If you can play devils advocate with your questioning it will help you when you are actually faced with those types of questions. I feel it is important to even ask these types of questions to your self as well, so that you are completely sure that the Society really is being deceptive. So I really do encourage you to look at a subject six ways to Sunday like you did when asking about the catacombs. It will not only help the truth be crystal clear to you, but to also any you defend your position to. I know I don't have all the answers, I don't think anyone does. But I certainly know the Society doesn't! I used to have answers for everything when I was in the Borg. Like everyone else I would dismiss anything that didn't have a answer as well as any answer that was different from the Watchtowers. After 2 years of deep research, I know their answers were simply answers that fit their doctorines. And were self made answers. Anyhow...If you ever need any info. I will always be happy to try and help you find what you need.

    Dear Zenism,

    Don't feel alone, I would venture to say the majority don't understand the deeper things of the Borg. My sister for instance had to learn what it was she was supposed to have known all her life (she was like you) in order to defend the flying questions her inlaws had as to why she and her husband were no longer going to meetings. She thought of all things that may stop them dead in their tracts would be the 607 issue if she could understand it enough to explain to them why it didn't make sence. It took some time, but because of what was at stake, she finally got it. It didn't matter in the end because they then labeled them apostates (of course), and won't have much to do with them anyhow. But you never know when smeone may want to know. As for the blood issue..that was the whole reason my mom began having questions. Her dad, a active JW rejected blood and ended up dying because of it. On top of it all, her stand was easily changed because the Borg said a certain fraction was ok. When the Dr. questioned why that would be ok, it was blood, she said I don't know, I just know it's ok. (She had gone to the local Kingdomhall, as it was back east, and the Elders helped her find what was ok, and was not ok to take out of the publications.) Later, she really anylised why she was so easiley swayed..that got her thinking. As well as the fact that something made from blood was ok, but blood by itself was not. One question led to another, as I am sure has happened to you.. Anyway..were glad your out and have less mental baggage to undue.

    Dear Geevee,

    That was a really interesting story. It makes you wonder how many times we saw and read conflictingf things like that and just dismissed them.. I just chaulk it up to the fact that my heart was not ready to handle truth yet. My heart was to hardened in the Borg's ways not to listen to reason. Think of how many others there are with simular experiences. So determined no one else could be right, we ignore warning signals that should have been stopping us dead in our tracts. Regardless.. I am so glad you finally took the blinders we all had to do.


    Lady Liberty

  • YoursChelbie

    What an awesome turn of events. Your husband's line of reasoning is precisely what a JW sitting on the fence needs to hear. BTW, does he post here? We could use more smart people like him


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    What an awesome turn of events. Your husband's line of reasoning was precisely what a JW sitting on the fence needs to hear. BTW, does he post here? We could use more amart people like him


    Yes he sure does.. He is the handsome, BlackPearl!


    Lady Liberty

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